At 19 he stabbed and killed his father. Strong winds after a fight at home


There are at least twenty stab wounds inflicted on Giuseppe Pompe, 52, who was killed last night shortly after 11 p.m. at his home by his 19-year-old son Alex. The apartment where the two lived through Edmondo De Amicis 47, in Collegno, in the Turin area, was the murder theater. Alex Pompe, a 19-year-old student, uncensored, hit his father Giuseppe, a 52-year-old worker, with numerous punches at the height of a dispute.

The victim’s wife and another son were also present at the apartment and it appears that Alex’s wave of killings was sparked by a violent dispute that erupted after dinner. According to the first coroner’s findings, the 19-year-old allegedly beat his father with 20 stab wounds. The carabinieri, who arrested the young man, took some knives. The victim was hit in the abdomen, back and chest by the son. Investigations by the carabinieri are underway to verify the exact motive and possible involvement of other family members.

May 1, 2020 | 01:04

