NEW YORK – Donald Trump never misses the opportunity to attack Biden and has done so several times in China as well. One of the latest accusations, coming from Donald’s campaign, refers to his son Hunter who, in addition to the Ukraine problem (in which, however, fake news and half-truths abound) “opened a bank account with a Chinese businessman “. For Republicans in the Senate, for FoxNews, and for the many conservative blogs that have filled the emails of American voters with hundreds of messages over the past two weeks, it is proven proof that Biden would be in cahoots with China, the great enemy than Trump. fights on the front line.
Another curiosity arises from the articles published by the New York Times that may interest American voters, when there are only two weeks left to vote: China is one of the only three foreign nations (with Great Britain and Ireland) in which the president of the United States has a bank account. For someone like The Donald, who has often repeated that if his rival “Democrat ‘Sleepy Joe’ will sell America to Communist China” wins, the New York newspaper’s revelations are certainly not a good return.
There are several details about the story. Trump’s ‘businessman’ business is full of overseas financial deals, for a decade he tried to do business (unsuccessfully) and run projects or joint ventures with Beijing companies, he ran an office in China even during his first campaign 2015-2016 election and partnered with a major government-controlled Chinese company.
The foreign accounts of the President of the United States do not appear in Donald Trump’s “public financial communications”, the ones in which he must list personal assets, because they are in the name of a company and not an individual. Tax records do not include details about how much money may have passed through foreign accounts, although the Internal Revenue Service requires everyone to report part of their business income to others. countries. The British and Irish accounts are controlled by companies that run The Donald’s golf courses in Scotland and Ireland, which regularly report millions of dollars in revenue from these countries. Trump International Hotels Management reported only a few thousand dollars.