Coronavirus, Conte: “Vaccine? Possible first doses in early December” – Politics


Rome, October 20, 2020 – Two days after its premiere at the new Dpcm, the premier Giuseppe Conte He talks about the Coronavirus vaccine again. “If he last stages preparation (the so-called ‘moving value‘) of the vaccine Oxford-Irbm Pomezia-Astrazeneca will be completed in the coming weeks, the first doses will be available in early December, “he told Bruno Vespa for the book” Why Italy loved Mussolini (and how he resisted the Covid dictatorship) “which will be published on October 29. Mondadori Rai Libri.

FOCUS / Bulletin Italia, today’s data October 20

Here is the roadmap: “At the beginning we will have the first two or three million doses. Millions more will come to us soon after. The European Commission has ordered Astrazeneca and other companies a few hundred million doses. “

Then a less optimistic consideration: “I think fully contain the pandemic we will have to wait for him the next spring“.

FOCUS / New Dpcm, what it brings. Sport, school and curfew

More cautious with timing Franco Locatelli, president of the Css and member of the CTS, who yesterday said: “A great international effort is being made in vaccines and, realistically, I believe that we could start with the vaccination of fragile people, law enforcement officials and health workers in the first few months. ” next spring. “For his part, the Chancellor Luigi di maio who, on Facebook, had written that “the vaccine will come soon and we will look forward again.”
Recent statements by the executive director of the European Medicines Agency (Ema) have also raised hopes Guido Rasi, according to which the “first important doses for at-risk populations could arrive in the spring of 2021 with an important start of vaccination. The availability of doses will increase very rapidly after approval, I think that, if we are lucky, many of those who want to be vaccinated could do so before the summer of 2021 ”.

Inr Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist at the University of Milan: “There are many advertisements that certainly have economic and geopolitical interests, we have seen Sputnik, a vaccine without scientific data, which could even have been tested, but not with the proper correction and transparency. But it is working very quickly and I think the vaccines will be licensed for sale by the end of the year. But beyond a few batches that are already in production, vaccination coverage will be enormous and will take time. Vaccination for everyone I think. It won’t be there before fall 2021. “

Vaccine in China

A total of 60,000 volunteers They received Chinese vaccines against Covid-19 during phase 3 clinical trials. No serious side effects have been reported at this time, a Chinese official said. Trials are progressing well so far, and the candidate vaccines initially proved to be safe, Tian Baoguo of the Ministry of Science and Technology told a news conference in Beijing.
