smart work as much as possible. Read the decree-


In the civil service, at least half of public employees will continue to work from home. the Decree on smart work in the Palestinian Authority signed by Minister Fabiana Dadone, after the new Dpcm with the anti-Covid squeeze, confirms the percentages of work from home for public employees, but later asks the administrations for organizational and technological capacity to overcome the limits of the decree to work remotely as much as possible.
The letter of the decree speaks of agile work for at least 50% of the workforce dedicated to activities that can be carried out remotely, but -precisely- with an invitation to administrations with the appropriate organizational and technological capacity to ensure higher percentages possible agile work, while ensuring access, quality and effectiveness of services to citizens and companies.

Among the indications contained in the Decree on Smart Work in the Palestinian Authority one is also expected staggering schedules: Maximum flexibility of work – explains the minister – with shifts me alternation of days worked in presence and remotely, in any case in compliance with sanitary measures and security protocols, also providing flexible time slots at entry and exit.

We must avoid – writes Dadone on social networks – a new one generalized blockade. Citizens and companies cannot choose whether or not to resort to PAs and that is why it is important to combine the health and safety needs of our entire community with the need to guarantee accessible and quality services at all times. This must be clear: the challenge that awaits every administration and every one of the country’s public employees.

Among the other measures provided by the ministerial decree, performance measurement and evaluation systems are adapted to the specificities of agile work to verify the impact on services and activities and the performance provided in smart work is also monitored based on reports. of users and companies.
Agile work will be organized without limitations of time and place of work, but can be organized for specific contact groups without increasing the workload. Workers are guaranteed tevil rest and right to disconnect. Those quarantined or fragile can still get the job done nimbly. Administrations strive to do computer and digital devices considered necessary, but nevertheless remains Use of employee-owned equipment allowed..

For the rotation of personnel, the institutions must refer to priority criteria: health status of the members of the employee’s family unit, presence of children under 14 years, distance between the area of ​​residence / domicile and the place of work, number and type of means of transport used and related travel times.
