“My son is isolated from everything, the schools will also remain closed for only fifteen days, but he will not be able to follow distance education, just as he could not follow it during the months of the confinement. In the end, it is always the parents and children who are handicapped who are abandoned. Paola Esposito He is the owner of the railway workers’ bar at Naples Central Station. He is 32 years old, has an 8-year-old son named Pasquale and a seven-month-old girl.
How did your child handle the school closure?
«Too bad, I was so happy to be back, despite all the controls, I wanted to resume at all costs. In the few days of school I had so many fears precisely because of the increase in infections, if there had been someone positive in his class he would not only have been in quarantine but he would have had to close the business. The period at home was difficult from the point of view of school and teaching or these talks where you had to follow the lessons.
What is Pasquale’s problem?
“He is profoundly deaf and has a cochlear implant, what everyone knows as a bionic ear. He listens to us but has a delay in learning and speaking, so he cannot continue distance learning, when there are 20 children or now less connected, all of them talking to each other, he cannot understand what is being said, precisely because of the problem he has, he is confused. normal for that reason it has two support teachers who alternate ».
Could you have a lesson with the support teacher?
“It is not provided at the school my son attends, the Miraglia near Piazza Nazionale. Even one hour a day would be enough to not lose everything he lost, now he is trying to recover what he could not do last year, it is difficult, children who have disabilities cannot stay so far behind, especially in primary school essential for learn the basics, reading and writing.
She works?
Yes, a good part of the day. My children stay with their grandmother, I also have a tablet to be able to make Pasquale follow lessons but it is completely useless for two reasons: first the grandmother does not know how to use it, secondly if she has learning difficulties and in speaking and writing what I put it on to deal with a tablet, you need the support teacher. The socialization of these students is essential, but they are the last to be considered. Not only my son Pasquale is being cut, but many others who do not have the possibility to follow the lessons online, it would be right to give the support teachers the possibility to connect with all these students. Unfortunately, in my school there is no such teaching method, but in other primary schools in Naples there is. And it is a profound injustice. The question is also another.
“Governor De Luca has reopened nurseries and nurseries, where there is no distance, especially for mothers. In the primaries there are strict rules, few cases of contagion and they have been closed. If there has been a problem it is in high school, in high school. It is enough to go down in the afternoon at Piazza Nazionale to carry out the youth gatherings. And what are you doing? All schools are closed. Elementary school had to be saved, not only for my son but also for all the other students who do not have any kind of difficulty. What do first graders do if they can’t read or write? Distance education? “.
What are you going to do now?
“They say fifteen days, but if the period is longer I have to bring a person to follow my son at least three times a week, he cannot always be left behind. What is lost is difficult to recover, because there are new programs. Quite a difficulty, also because he has to follow therapies, psychomotor speech therapy. They had seven months to organize for the resumption of the school, it would have been enough to put more buses, it would have been enough to strengthen the controls. It was known that there could be a second wave, we haven’t heard anything else all summer. To pay it are the families, all the families. The right to attend elementary school cannot be denied. The primary school was not going to close.
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