The government’s tightening to stop Covid has yet to go black and white, but it is ready. by Giuseppe Conte it is necessary to find the square between the two main needs: avoid a crash or in any case measures that lead to excessive economic damage and maintain, with absolute priority, health protection in this new phase. It is not easy and the risk of confusion is just around the corner. Yesterday afternoon the Ministry of Health called “fake news” the working document containing the measurements of the next Dpcm. Decree on which, leaked by the executive, Conte would indeed like to close this afternoon but could also choose to postpone its entry into force on October 15, as expected before the spike in infections.
There is not only a division in the government between the different sensitivities, between those who profess a certain prudence in the closure and those who interpret the hardest line. Also in technical scientific committee (Cts) discussion on whether or not to close gyms or swimming pools continued with the committee division. In fact, the situation is still completely unstable and unclear. It was given to owners of sports clubs and gyms. one week to adjust protocolsthe. The question then remains: who will control?
Sunday afternoon to the Minister of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora, who opposed the closure of swimming pools and gyms, finding the support of colleagues from Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia and agriculture Teresa Bellanova, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and of Cultural Heritage opposed Dario Franceschini I decided to shut down.
“In the middle, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, now far from the hard line, writes the Corriere della Sera, “The first to speak is Achille Iachino, one of the general directors of Health: urges closure. There is a round of interventions, the data is analyzed, then it is intervened Godfrey Zaccardi, (…) urges the CTS to speak out so that sports activities stop. Location you find the support of those responsible for health organizations: the president of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro, that of the Superior Council Franco Locatelli and the scientific director of Spallanzani Giuseppe Ippolito.
Inon the other side are the technicians: the coordinator Agostino Miozzo, Fabio Ciciliano who compiles the records and transmits them to the government, but also to doctors like the professor Ranieri Guerra, Gemelli’s Chief of Anesthesia Massimo Antonelli, the military health inspector Nicola Sebastiani. The tones are raised, the challenge is open. ‘If we close the gymshow do we leave it open the dirty Bingo?Ciciliano asks. “We have to remove unnecessary things,” Ippolito responds.
(…) Everybody 19.30 it is understood that it will be impossible to find a single position and it was decided to give the government the exact account of what happened. The final ruling ‘reaffirms the importance of physical activity as a determinant of health,’ which however ‘must be protected in a fair balance with the policies to combat and control the pandemic.’ trick that lasts a week, the time necessary to rewrite the protocols and postpone the discussion ”.