Coronavirus, here is the map of the cities where the streets and squares of nightlife are closed


In Rome for now the smooth line

No decision was made in the capital, also because Mayor Virginia Raggi was at the forefront of the protest about the government’s “blame game” on the first citizens (“Do mayors have to order closures and restrictions on Covid? , information, law enforcement and tools appropriate to the request “). Late in the morning a meeting of the provincial public order commission is scheduled where a soft line seems to predominate in the nightlife, with limited entrances in the streets and squares most frequented by young people. Already this summer the police of the capital had closed some “hot” places of nightlife from Campo de Fiori to Trastevere, from Largo degli Osci to San Lorenzo al Pigneto. The tapes were placed in piazza Trilussa on October 19 to close off part of the square to regulate the influx of a religious event scheduled for the day.

Genoa evaluates the curfew for next weekend

The municipality of Genoa and the Liguria Region have established a technical meeting on October 21 to evaluate in which areas of Genoa to activate the curfew to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 contagion. The list of streets and squares will be delivered to the prefect and to the Public Order and Safety Committee with a view to the next nightlife weekend. “The areas of Genoa on which we are evaluating to intervene are those that have many positive aspects and the conjunction of being busy areas,” said Genoa Mayor Marco Bucci.

In Florence, Mayor Nardella awaits the help of the police

Waiting for more information, the Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella. “The government – he said in an interview with Corriere della Sera – will make the mobile police, carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza departments available. Thousands of men who are now standing in the barracks because the football stadiums are practically closed and the demonstrations by the Covid are hardly held anymore. Then we would have the resources to close ».

No to closures in Cagliari

“I am against applying forms of total closure, I do not see the need to do so”, said the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu about the last dpcm of the Conte government. “It seems serious to me – the mayor stressed – that we are imposed elections to mayors on controls, closures, restrictive measures and curfews: although the text is not clear, we do not have enough means, personnel and resources and we cannot cut essential services These are concepts that we have been expressing for months and that seem to fall into a void every time. “After a tour of the city, he stated that” the vast majority of my fellow citizens wear masks and observe the rules, which is the easiest way to continue with our activities, keep the economy going and get out of this virus as soon as possible. “

Mayors will share decisions with prefects in Asl

Zip ordinances to close streets and squares where gatherings are supposed to be signed by mayors, but now only after being shared with prefects and local health authorities, a Viminale circular has reported. In the final text of the dpcm of October 18, after protests by Anci, the National Association of Italian Municipalities, the word “mayors” has disappeared. Article 1 of the document, in fact, establishes that “the streets or squares of urban centers, where congestion situations can be created, can be closed to the public after 9 pm”. Based on the provisions of the circular, the mayors – also as local health authorities – will propose closures and will be supported in everything by the prefects in the provincial public order committees, in which the local health authorities will also participate. There, the closures of streets or squares will be assessed, also establishing the days of duration of the ordinance. Then the prefect, according to the commissioner, has the task of helping to comply with the order issued by the mayor, stressed the Undersecretary of the Interior with delegation to the local authorities Achille Variati, and for controls there are state police, Carabinieri, Municipal Police and – the undersecretary clarifies – in the case “also the participation of the soldiers of the Safe Streets device, on the recommendation of the prefect.”
