The coronavirus stops the Christmas markets. After the government decree with the cessation of fairs and festivals, yesterday morning the city of Trento decided to suspend the markets this year. The security risks are too high, as a result of the influx, with crowds and concentrations, of thousands of people from outside the province. «We have considered that it is not convenient to do them at all costs. I am aware that it is not an easy decision, we still want a Christmas as colorful as possible, ”said Mayor Ianeselli.
Piazza Fiera this winter will be empty, without lights, without houses and without gifts. It did not happen since 1993, when the first edition of the markets was organized, but this year, in the Covid era and with the increase in infections, Ianeselli preferred to nip the Christmas event in the bud, even before dealing with the Province. There is talk of 40 million lost businesses.
The anger of the provincial councilor Roberto Failoni
“Deciding to definitively cancel the Christmas Markets without even a minimum of confrontation with the Province of Trento, the health authority, the Government Commissariat, the police and other municipal administrations affected by similar initiatives is a choice that leaves perplexing – explains Commissioner Roberto Failoni – in fact, on Thursday afternoon, a summit was already scheduled in the Council of Local Autonomies with the Government Commissioner Sandro Lombardi precisely on the Christmas markets in light also of the provisions in the past. Prime Minister Conte, provisions that allow national and international trade fairs where epidemiological conditions allow. In addition, to go out today, first, with such an announcement, not a reduction of the market, but its definitive cancellation, is also a huge damage to the image of a Trentino that during this summer season has shown that tourists are safe and even as necessary precautions for covid-19 ».
In the same vein Andre Merler, former candidate for mayor of the center right, now vice president of the City Council, who attacks the City Council: “This anxiety about the performance of this city council that must anticipate the times of everything seems to me quite inadequate and opportune. If we give the idea that now we close everything and do not do more events, perhaps not even those that would be allowed like this, we will definitely put the city’s economy to death. For me, the image that politics and public administration should give is that we act in a united and coherent way after a confrontation. ”Meanwhile, it seems that even in South Tyrol we are moving towards the cancellation of the markets:“ It will be difficult – explains Renzo Caramaschi, mayor of Bolzano – food and drinks are not allowed standing, and then it would be too difficult to check the distance. “D. Ser.