Discussion continued on whether to close gyms and swimming pools for more than three hours and in the end the Scientific Technical Committee was divided. For the first time since the start of the pandemic, the minutes delivered to the government give an account of the different positions of the experts. The issue was important, but not crucial to managing the epidemic. And that is why the split seems to be a symptom of a more serious problem: the division between those who want the utmost rigor and those who believe that it is not yet the time to stop activities. As it is happening within the government.
The first to speak Achille Iachino, one of the general directors of Health: urges the closure. There is a round of interventions, the data is analyzed, then Speranza’s chief of staff intervenes Goffredo Zaccardi, explains participating in a personal capacity, but urges the CTS to express itself so that sports activities stop. A position that finds the support of those responsible for health organizations: the presidents of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro and the Superior Council Franco Locatelli, and the scientific director of Spallanzani Giuseppe Ippolito.
On the other side are the technicians: the coordinator Agostino Miozzo, Fabio Ciciliano who compiles the records and transmits them to the government, but also some doctors like the professor Ranieri Guerra, the Chief of Anesthesia of Gemelli Massimo Antonelli, the Inspector of Military Health Nicola Sebastiani. The tones are raised, the challenge opens. If we close the gyms, how do we leave the bingo rooms open?Ciciliano asks. We have to remove unnecessary things, Ippolito responds. It lines up on the path of steadfastness Sergio Iavicoli, Director of the Inail Department of Medicine. Miozzo, for his part, highlights how it was the CTS that validated the security protocols, urging more controls.
At 7:30 p.m. you understand what it will be unable to find a unique location and it was decided to give the government the exact account of what happened. The final ruling reaffirms the importance of physical activity as a determinant of health, which, however, must be protected in a fair balance with the policies to combat and control the pandemic. Enhancement the risks of aerobic physical activity carried out in a closed environment without the use of the mask as well as the assessment of the situation of changing rooms and showers. In the end suggest a temporary suspension of the use of swimming pools and gyms on the principle of maximum caution recommending an adaptation to the guidelines.
Conte defends the thesis of those who wanted to stay open and gives a week to rewrite the protocols, matching the line of those who wanted to stay open. The next CTS meeting must be scheduled. Many believe that the crack does not heal at all.
October 20, 2020 (change October 20, 2020 | 08:24)