The doubts of scientists about the restrictions imposed by the new dpcm


AGI – “I declare that I would not like to enter into the merits of the political decisions, but given the increase in the curve, with a rebound that began at the beginning of October and that today brings us almost 11 percent of the positives, I would have expected more drastic measures, especially when it comes to transportationWith these words Giorgio Palù, a microbiologist from the University of Padua, comments, interviewed by AGI, the new measures adopted by the Dpcm, underlining that attention must be paid to data related to infections.

“The curve is of an exponential type – explains Palù – but, compared to July and August, the only elements that could have contributed to this trend are the environment, which, however, was largely predicted given the very nature of the virus, which thrives during the winter season, and the reopening of schools. However, as school activities seem to continue and maintain the necessary precautions, I think the crucial aspect is all the annexes to the aspect of the school, which is transportation public, bars and discos, which favor social gatherings and facilitate the spread of the virus.

The virologist points out that, beyond political decisions, the data related to new cases make us reflect. “I would have expected some more drastic decisions regarding transportation and meeting limitations – observes Palù – we must lower the contagion curve. 80 percent of the public transport capacity does not seem to me to be sufficient for this purpose.. The scientific literature suggests that, rather than trying to identify all asymptomatic patients, it is essential to reduce meetings at this stage. We must commit to this. “

Palù’s doubts are shared by other experts and scientists, who have made their voice heard with the government in recent days. “The measures taken, in general, are good but there are areas in which it is necessary to intervene immediately with some selective closures,” Walter Ricciardi, consultant to the Minister of Health, told Agorà. “Some closings must be done immediately without waiting for ChristmasRicciardi said that “there are areas in which precise and proportionate interventions are needed. For example, I would not speak of Lombardy – he explained – but of Milan, I would do targeted interventions, strengthening decisions and closing some activities surgically“.

Ricciardi stressed that he shared “the government’s measures for the national territory but it is not enough and it is necessary to integrate with specific actions in some areas. Where there are cities with thousands of cases it means that we are on the eve of enormous pressure. If we take it promptly “. , appropriately and proportionally the correct measures – he concluded – we will have an almost normal Christmas. If we delay, we will see an exponential increase in cases in the coming weeks, especially in some areas and then we will have to make very tough decisions ”.

Even the consultant from the Ministry of Health points a finger at public transport, a real delicate point in the containment strategy: “We have always said that in buses and the metro the capacity should not exceed 50%, and instead He gave up the 80. – Ricciardi recalled – but on board it is one of the moments in which we are most in contact and also the use of the mask protects others but not ourselves. It is a typical moment of contagion ”.
