schools, public transportation, shopping mall meetings, alcohol, and slot halls


Contingent assistance in shopping centers, which rises to 60 percent the maximum capacity of public transport and, thanks to the activation of distance education, the presence of high school students in the classroom at 50 percent, suspending the activity for the betting rooms: these are the key points of the signed ordinance today by the president of the Umbria Region, Donatella Tesei, and which will take effect from October 21 for schools and transport, from 20 for shopping centers and galleries. All this until November 14.

“I ask one more effort from the Umbrians who have already shown the great sense of responsibility and that they will be ready, I am sure that they will also follow the new rules – concluded President Tesei – Everything to avoid a new closure that would also have negative repercussions on the economy of our region ”.


a) As of October 20, 2020 and until November 14, 2020: the sale of alcoholic beverages to take away of any strength is prohibited from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. by the food and beverage administration in public establishments such as bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops, steakhouses, pizzerias, kiosks, as well as within clubs and private associations, and any other activity in any case referred to in the previous cases referred to;
second. The so-called “24-hour” vending machines with a view of the public highway close every day from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., as well as those located within the shops referred to in letter a. of this article, and that they distribute drinks and packaged foods; this measure does not apply to automatic milk and water dispensers;
C. The consumption of alcoholic beverages of any strength is prohibited in public areas, including parks, gardens and villas open to the public. It is also prohibited to consume food and beverages in the same public areas from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. every day.


Land anti-crowd and anti-contagion rules in shopping malls (Click here)


As of October 20, 2020 and until November 14, 2020, the activities of the gambling halls, betting rooms and bingo halls are suspended.
Games operated with electronic devices such as “slot machines”, as they are called, located in public establishments, commercial establishments and the resale of monopolies, are suspended for the same period referred to in paragraph 1.


1. From October 21, 2020 until November 14, 2020, distance learning is activated for each day of lessons for at least:
to. 50% of students enrolled for the 2020/2021 school year in state and peer high schools;
second. 50% of the students enrolled for the 2020/2021 training course in Vocational Education and Training (IeFP) courses in training agencies and state professional institutes under a subsidiarity regime and in courses carried out in higher technical institutes (ITS).
2. The provisions referred to in paragraph 1 do not apply to the specific categories of students identified in accordance with the provisions of the competent Ministry of Education.


1. As of October 20, 2020 and until November 14, 2020, university and AFAM students pre-registered from abroad, incoming students for international mobility programs, teaching and administrative staff of foreign universities should contact the territorially competent public health service through the email addresses or or by calling the phone number 800.63.63.63 and should
observe any stay in the home with home isolation with fiduciary isolation following the instructions of the public health services mentioned above.

2. For the academic year 2020/2021 in universities, it is recommended recognized AFAM institutions and the Higher School of Linguistic Mediators (SSML), except for students in the first year of enrollment for whom mixed teaching is taught in accordance with the provisions in the Guidelines adopted by the Ministry of University and Research, the maximum application of distance learning methods taking into account the specific objective conditions.


1. As of October 21, 2020 and until November 14, 2020, the number of seats allowed in the registration certificate for buses used for local public transport is reduced to 60%.
2. The local public transport companies must timely and adequately inform users of the changes made to this ordinance, as well as the organizational and management measures adopted to limit infection.

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