
Florence, October 19, 2020 – All the boxes of the new one are filled with difficulty Tuscan regional council. It is a total break with Italia Viva, while President Eugenio Giani defines the points determined for the powers.
Are here. Alessandra nardini vice president, Monia monni all’Ambiente, Serena spinelli to Welfare and Social, Simone bezzini to health, Leonardo Marras to economic development, Stefano baccelli to the Budget. Two councilors are missing. If Italia Viva does not enter, both will be from the Democratic Party: Stefano Ciuoffo me Giacomo Bugliani.
The other assignments; leader of the Democratic Party Enrico Sostegni or Antonio Mazzeo, Vincenzo Ceccarelli President of the Tuscan Regional Council. The last meeting in the late morning between Italia VIva (represented by Nicola Danti) and Eugenio Giani would not have convinced Matteo Renzi’s party to join the council.
But meanwhile, the total break also holds the ground between the Democratic Party and Italia Viva, who has decided not to join the council. “There is no political recognition of our work done so far so that the center left wins,” underlines one of the faces of Matteo Renzi’s party. Nicola Danti.
“I will announce the council only during the regional council session,” Giani announced after the latest negotiations. from today. The start of the first session of the XI legislature of the Regional Council of Tuscany, scheduled for this afternoon, has been postponed one hour.
Therefore, the start is scheduled for 4 in the afternoon. Given the Dpcm of October 18 regarding the Covid emergency, the works will be carried out in mixed mode, in presence in the hall of the Pegaso palace, but with some councilors who will participate from a distance. The agenda remains unchanged.
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