Milan ATS can no longer track all infections


Vittorio Demicheli, medical director of ATS Milan, the city’s health protection agency (the equivalent of ASL in other regions), speaking on October 19. SkyTg24 he said:

We cannot track all infections, to actively isolate people. Anyone who suspects they have had a risky contact or symptoms stays home.

Demicheli explained that what worries the agency is that “we do not know exactly how fast the phenomenon (of the spread of infections, ie) can occur in a large metropolis like Milan.” In the last days Demicheli had already anticipated that the tracking system had entered into crisis: the ATS had recruited for traditional tracking – therefore, what is done by calling each contact of each person who tested positive on the phone – 150 assistants from health, which however seem to be insufficient.

– Read also: What is happening in milan

Having improved the ability to make swabs and, therefore, to identify positives even among asymptomatic patients, and finding ourselves in a non-blocking situation, the number of contacts to call health workers is increasing. Therefore, the risk is not being able to interrupt the chains of contagion in time, allowing potentially contagious people to continue going to work and having social contacts.
