Covid runs: 354 new cases in the province (43 in Varese, 31 in Busto), 3000 in Lombardy


MILAN – The Covid figures continue to increase in an increasingly worrying way. In today’s report, October 18, from the Lombardy region, there are 2,975 newly infected, emerged in more than 30 thousand swabs made. But it is above all the admissions data, which rise above 1000 again, that cause alarm. Have been there in the last 24 hours 14 more patients in intensive care units (yesterday there were 25), where a total of 110 beds are occupied, and 122 more in the other ordinary rooms of Covid, with the total amounts to 1,051. They are registered in the province of Varese 354 other positive cases, which confirms an exponential growth in recent days. There is also another more comforting figure, that of 1,385 cured and discharged in Lombardy.

The summary of the numbers

It was from March, at the peak of contagion, that in Lombardy there were not such high figures, although it must be said that then the detection capacity was lower than today. but still the percentage relationship between positive cases and processed evidence continues to increase: today October 18, with 30,981 swabs performed, it is confirmed 9.6%, compared to 9.1% yesterday, when 2,664 new infections were detected in 29,053 swabs. Lombardy continues to be the most affected region: in Campania, in the last 24 hours, 1,376 new positive cases of coronavirus have been identified. Throughout Italy there are more than 11 thousand new positive cases. Among other data, he said of the growth of hospitalizations, deaths also rise, which were 21 against 13 yesterday, October 17. Comfort the number of recovered and discharged patients: 1,285 in the last 24 hours.

Varese and the other provinces

It is registered in the province of Varese the record number of 354 new positive cases. After the province of Milan (another 1,463 infected, of which 727 in the city of Milan), and in line with that of Monza Brianza (353 new cases), it is the area in which Covid is hitting the most. In the Varese area, the spread of new infections is like a forest fire: 43 more cases in the capital Varese, 31 in Busto Arsizio, 21 in Gallarate, 17 in Saronno. And again, among the most affected municipalities there are another 11 cases in Somma Lombardo and Caronno Pertusella, 7 in Malnate and Tradate, 5 in Gavirate and Vergiate.

The new Dpcm

The press conference is scheduled between 19 and 20 in which Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at Palazzo Chigi he will illustrate the new Dpcm with anti-Covid measures, defining himself after the table with the regions and local authorities. Among the new restrictions, those already envisaged in Lombardy for bars and restaurants could be extended (closing at midnight and consumption only with table service from 6pm) and the use of smart work and distance learning would be expanded in the institutes and universities, in addition to the decree the suspension of fairs and festivals. For sports, however, Minister Spadafora would be fighting to thwart a new closure for gyms and swimming pools.

lombardy varese hospitalized covid – MALPENSA24
