Coronavirus, local curfew as of 21 but the word “mayors” disappears in the dpcm. Who will do it?


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The premier intervened after the approval of the new Dpcm, which establishes the closure at 24 for restaurants and the postponement of admission to school for high school students, also to relieve pressure on public transport. “We cannot waste time, we must take immediate measures to avoid a new blockade,” Conte said. Yellow at the local curfew: at night the word “mayors” disappears from the text, who will decide?

We can’t waste time, we must take immediate measures to avoid a new blockade ”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte spoke again to announce the new restrictions contained in the government’s Dpcm. Last night he announced that areas at risk of overcrowding could be subject to a curfew at the discretion of the mayors. “In the final text, the explicit reference to statutory auditors was removed. which was in the draft, quoted by Conte at a press conference. But it is not said who would compete with these measures: if the mayors, the prefects, the presidents of the Region. Nor by what means can they be implemented”, Writes the mayor of Bergamo, Giorgio Gori. In fact, in the final text of the Dpcm the word mayors has disappeared due to the anti-nightlife restrictions in squares and streets: now it seems that the decision can be made by mayors, prefects and Regions depending on the situation, but it is not yet certain about it.

Restoration activities are allowed from 5 in the morning to midnight if the consumption is done at the tables. Management not at the tables is allowed until 6pm. In restaurants you can stay up to 6 at the table, and everyone will have to post the maximum number of seats available. The game rooms must close at 9:00 p.m.

Schools remain open, but high school students will enter the school starting at 9 a.m. promote “maximum flexibility” in schedules, also to reduce pressure on public transport at peak times.

In public administrations, the proportion of workers in smart work is increasing, even if there is no decree yet. For people, there will be an invitation to increasingly strengthen teleworking. Contact sports are prohibited, not only at amateur level but also for amateur associations and clubs. Hairdressers and beauticians can stay open, as well as gyms: but final decision postponed to next week. “We know that we are imposing economic sacrifices on some activities, we will do everything possible to restore them,” added Conte: “The situation is critical, everyone must do their part.”

The decision was born after the sudden explosion of coronavirus cases in recent days. Only yesterday 11,705 new cases were registered, a record since the start of the pandemic. The dead were 69. Currently the positives are 126,237. There are 7,131 hospitalized patients, 750 patients in intensive care. And it is these last figures that concern the government the most, the ones that to avoid the future collapse of the hospital system you are intervening in an attempt to contain the infection.

In fact, the situation in hospitals is rapidly degenerating, so much so that today the director of the Milan Ats has raised the alarm: “The situation is critical in Lombardy, but particularly in Milan– The help of all citizens is needed to stop the virus fever. The most worrying thing is that in the next few hours the number of positive subjects may increase even more and exert more and more pressure on hospitals ”.
