
the Dpcm Signed by Giuseppe Conte five days after the last one, it left everyone a bit baffled, because the government has confirmed substantially the same measures already taken to limit the spread of the infection since coronavirus, adding delegation to mayors for local curfews. In practice, the prime minister kept an entire country on alert throughout Sunday, only to fail with a mini-squeeze that runs the risk of not being enough in light of the exponential growth in positives and hospitalizations.
too Walter Ricciardi, advisor to Minister Roberto Speranza for the coronavirus emergency, was quite critical of the Dpcm in a speech before Agora on RaiTre: “I would do some targeted interventions strengthen national decisions, unfortunately at this stage they must shutting down some activities surgically. I would not speak of Lombardy, but for example of Milan. I would not speak of Campania but of Naples and some metropolitan areas, I would start to worry about Rome. In general, the measures taken are good for the whole country, but there are areas where the exponential contagion curve is so strong that it is avoided other measures will be taken urgently in two weeks it is absolutely necessary to do it now ”. In short, Ricciardi draws the map of the cities that will be subjected to blockade.
That is why Ricciardi’s beacons are focused on the large cities where the contagion is spreading: “The situation is worrying because in fact the epidemic, especially in some areas of the country, has begun to grow exponentially and this, as we have learned from previous months, it means that after a certain point duplication of cases occurs every two or three days. In short, the Dpcm signed by Conte is not enough for some specific areas of the country: “There is a need to integrate these measures because, when you have a city that already has thousands of cases, it means that you are on the eve of enormous pressure in their health systems and this should be avoided ”.