The two opposing “factions”: a furious fight in the government


And contagion gives COVID-19 grow back, the Containment measures Again enter the statements of politicians and virologists. And in the government we return at two factions, which took place in the months of the emergency: on the one hand, those who want strong restrictive measures, on the other, those who try to postpone them.

The furious fight that, according to the indiscretions of the Corriere della Sera, would have shaken the government would be attributed to the confrontation between the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and that of Sports, Vincenzo Spadafora. And the reason for the dispute seems to revolve around the knot of measures for gyms and swimming pools, which Hope would have liked to close. “Why do cinemas and theaters stay open and gyms have to close? The activities of the most influential ministers cannot be protected here“Spadafora thundered, according to the background described by Republic.

Nothing to do for the Minister of Health, given that the new Dpcm does not indicate the blocking of these two activities, it seems also thanks to the decision of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who would have rejected the strategy of the “hard punch”. For the moment, in fact, the pools and gyms will remain open. But yesterday, shock would also have affected the Scientific Technical Committee, according to Messenger Service: Even scientists would be divided between prudent and fundamentalists. The result is the latest Dpcm, consisting of 12 items, containing size restrictions for bars and clubs, but without a strong grip.

Beyond the alleged dispute between Spadafora and Speranza, they seem to have arisen in the government two factions different. On the one hand, there would be the “rigorists”, judged by the minister of Dario Franceschini and by Speranza, who wanted to change the government’s line to the “hard fist”, to combat the spread of Covid-19. “It is true that we have strengthened hospitals and increased the number of tampons – Franceschini commented –But I want to put safety the country and if we have to pay to restore merchants and entrepreneurs, we pay“.

On the other hand, there is the faction of ministers who would like to postpone the restrictive measures: second Republic, the ministers of Economy and Development would have aligned themselves on this side, backed by Giuseppe Conte. “We must protect health and the economy“, clarified the premier, underlining that Italy cannot”to afford a new setback that would seriously compromise the entire economic fabricor “. For this, it is necessary.”Take action by implementing all the necessary measures to avoid a new generalized blockade.“.
