A week not to close, the yellow of gym protocols


Does Prime Minister Conte’s ultimatum sound incomprehensible for gyms and swimming pools? What protocols are you being asked to adapt within a week because of the pain of the announced closure? The government, divided on the convenience of continuing to keep the gyms open, ended last night asking the Scientific Technical Committee for an opinion, but before the experts did not decide a tactic of waiting and seeing what it knows a lot about an announcement of imminent closure if. very likely, the contagion curve will continue to rise in the coming days.

Because, it turns out, in June the gyms were actually reopened without the consent of the CTS, which never drew up any specific protocol, but only with the guidelines made by the technicians of the Ministry of Sports. Guidelines that according to the CTS are not safe enough, especially with the current situation.

For this reason, yesterday, when the Government asked for an opinion on the possibility of keeping gyms and swimming pools open, the CTS replied that they did not, suggesting that they be closed, at least while waiting for an appropriate protocol to be drawn up. But no one, at least until today (when a new meeting of the technical-scientific body is scheduled), has asked the CTS to work on a protocol.

So what requirements did Conte ask gyms and pools to meet? If there are no new guidelines, and preparing and then implementing them, it will take more than a week. If, on the contrary, reference is made to the prescriptions of the Ministry of Sport, it would be a matter of launching a massive campaign of controls whose outcome, however, as for any other category, should end with the sanction and closure of the centers that are not in full force and certainly not with the possible shutdown at all.

But this is what the protocol currently provides for gym goers. Spacing of one meter and use of the mask in common areas and changing rooms and two meters during activities, use of hand gel dispensers, disinfection tools before and after use, adequate ventilation systems, prohibition of promiscuity in the use of lockers, possible fever measurement or self-certification. Nothing more.
