Job: Am many innovations coming in 2021 for workers and companies with the next Budget Law. The 2021 Budget Law of 40 billion with specific anti-Covid measures for work, it was approved except for an agreement on the night between October 17 and 18 by the Council of Ministers.
Now the Maneuver must continue its parliamentary process and the text is scheduled in Parliament for October 20.
One of the great novelties of the 2021 Budget Law is the single allocation for those under 21 years of age that should start from July 1 of next year and should also cover the self-employed and the self-employed until now excluded.
News for work concerns workers and companies withextension of layoffs, layoffs blocking, widely discussed, and tax relief for companies assume. Let’s see in detail what are all the news for workers and companies from next 2021 with the Budget Law.
Work, new for 2021: extension of layoffs and layoffs
Work: the first news for workers and companies in 2021 in the Budget Law and the ones that arouse the most attention are those related to layoffs and the blocking of layoffs.
In particular, dismissals must be subject to a extension, but compared to the first rumors, it slightly changes shape.
In fact, the extension of the redundancy fund until December 31 should be foreseen for companies that conclude the 18 weeks of the August decree starting next November. For this there will be a specific decree law to be approved shortly. The mechanism for reducing the turnover of current Covid layoffs would be maintained, with free CIG for turnover losses equal to or greater than 20%. The layoff freeze can continue until the end of the year.
With the 2021 Budget Law, however, there will be 18 weeks of layoffs (or 9) by 2021, but without an extension of the redundancy block. The unions are asking for an extension of the block until March, while Confindustria wants to eliminate it. The 2021 layoffs will not be for everyone, but only for companies that have suffered certain losses due to Covid and it is valid 5 trillion.
Work in budget law: new hires
Always to work on the Budget Law are provided news for hiring with a voucher for under 35s.
Companies that hire young people will get a tax exemption for three years. The recruitment bonus will cover all Italian companies and will therefore be universal.
To finance the hiring premium in the Budgets Law 2021, 700 million euros have been allocated corresponding to 6 thousand euros of savings per year for companies. The measure is in line with the hiring bonus in the south of the August decree: the 30% contribution relief should cost 5 trillion.
The Budget Law also provides for simplified access to some professions.
The cut in the tax wedge for incomes ranging between 28,000 and 40,000 euros also seems to be confirmed for 2021.
Also with the Budget Law 2021 it seems that 4,000 million euros will be allocated to extend the duration of the contracts of all health personnel, doctors and nurses always for the Covid emergency.
Not only that, always in the matter of hiring, the news in the Budget Law 2021 arrive with 1,200 million euros per 25 thousand support teachers.