The new Dpcm that came into force at midnight between Sunday October 18 and Monday October 19 also touches the world of schools. A fundamental asset, said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference, following the line of Minister Lucía Azzolina, who in recent days has always reiterated that school is not touched. But some adjustments were accepted, mainly to reduce the impact of high school students on local public transport.
What will be the entrance time to the school?
In a first version of the draft decree, there was talk of admission at 11:00 am A postponement of the start of school activities that was considered excessive even by school leaders. In the final version of the DPCM, we speak of entry not before 9, nor from nine onwards. A bezel to avoid rush hour crowds without slipping too far into the morning.
Will there be double shifts?
Probably yes. The DPCM asks to further modulate the management of students’ entry and exit times, also through the possible use of evening shifts, explicitly. It means that to prevent children from crowding the streets and public transport, they will be sent to school in stages, even in the afternoon, even dividing classes between morning and afternoon, if necessary.
Will there be distance lessons?
Much more than now. The provision speaks of flexible ways in the organization of the didactic activity and establishes that distance education can be increased, while still being complementary to face-to-face education. In addition, the protocol for the reopening of the school already provided for integrated teaching, that is, teaching that contemplated moments in presence and moments at a distance. And in this sense, many institutes had already organized, for example, organizing student shifts in classes, dividing them to respect distance, or installing special distance lessons in classrooms to transmit them even to those at home. Now this modality is simply encouraged and strengthened, but always leaving the final choice to the directors.
When will the new rules go into effect?
The ministry clarified on Monday that the provision will take effect for schools from Wednesday, October 21. The rules will be valid until November 13.
Do the new rules apply to all high schools?
Neither. In the sense that the DPCM specifies that the reorganization depends on the need to counteract the spread of the infection, prior notification to the Ministry of Education by the regional, local or health authorities of the critical situations and of particular risk referred to the contexts specific territorial areas. Currently the situation is quite critical throughout the country, but the specification softens the prescription: schools, therefore, will have to act and reshape their activities always on the basis of risk, not non-compliance.
Will educational outings be possible?
The ministry had already clarified that while trips are abolished, ordinary educational activities organized by schools can continue to be carried out in alternative spaces located outside school buildings to prevent and contain the spread of infection and promote physical distancing in action contexts. different from the usual ones.
Can the meetings of the collegiate bodies take place in presence?
Yes, they can be done in person or remotely based on the possibility of guaranteeing physical distance and, consequently, the safety of the called personnel.
Can representative elections be held remotely?
Yes, the renewal of the collegiate bodies of educational institutions can be carried out remotely in compliance with the principles of secrecy and freedom to participate in elections.
Can the institutions be used in the afternoons for extracurricular activities?
Yes, the owner entity can authorize, together with the educational institutions, the managing entity to use the spaces for the organization and realization of recreational, recreational and educational activities, non-school or formal, without prejudice to the activities carried out. from the same educational institutions. The activities must be carried out with the help of qualified personnel, and with the obligation of the managers to adopt specific security protocols in compliance with the guidelines and to proceed with the necessary cleaning and sanitation activities.
What changes for elementary and junior high schools?
Nothing, for now the teaching remains in presence.
October 19, 2020 (change October 19, 2020 | 12:12)