It will be the mayors who will have to decide which streets and squares should be closed, but also the prefect and the presidents of the Region, after the modification of the text of the Dpcm occurred during the night. In some municipalities the mayors are already drawing up the list of areas considered at risk and then they will agree with the prefect – who will have to order the chiefs of the police forces – to close it. A compromise that occurred at the end of a negotiation that lasted for more than six hours and was resolved at 12:40 when Palazzo Chigi published the final text. And modified with respect to the one sent to the Regions and the CTS. At the center of the dispute is the power to close squares and streets to avoid the gatherings that provoked the ire of the president of the Anci Antonio Decaro, determined to stop what he called a “blame game.”
The first draft
At 7:30 p.m. on October 18, the text is sent to the Regions to share the rules. It is written that “the mayors order the closure to the public, after 9:00 p.m., of streets or squares of urban centers, where meeting situations can be generated, without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit to commercial establishments that are legitimately open and private homes “. Decaro calls the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia, asks to change it. Remember that no one has consulted them. He also speaks with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. The question seems resolved.
Press conference
We understand that nothing is decided at 9:30 pm when Conte speaks on television and on social networks, reiterating that “mayors have the power to close streets and squares.” Decaro also writes to him, asking that the rule be changed. When the press conference ends, Conte and Decaro talk. The Prime Minister clarifies that it was the Democratic Party who suggested the rule, Minister Dario Franceschini in particular. Decaro clarifies that none of the more than 4,000 mayors of the Pd has ever been consulted. Conte assures that it will be changed.
Latest draft
Two minutes after midnight, Palazzo Chigi publishes the final text. It is the same as the first draft. An urgent note arrives asking to cancel the publication and wait because “there was an error”. At 12:40 hours the final text is issued: “The streets or squares of urban centers where congestion situations may be created may be closed to the public from 9:00 p.m., without prejudice to the possibility of exit access to commercial establishments legitimately open and private homes “.
October 19, 2020 (change October 19, 2020 | 12:26)