Milan, October 19, 2020 – Temporary closures, a kind of ‘curfew’ decided by the mayors, in squares and streets from 9:00 p.m. to any risk of gatherings, distance training only in critical situations and possible afternoon shifts for classes. The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, have signed the Dpcm of October 18, 2020 about the measures for the contrast and containment of the Covid-19 emergency, after an increase in infections throughout Italy. The provision is being registered in the Official Gazette and the provisions apply from the date starting today October 19.
Dpcm October 18: final text
Dpcm October 18: attachments
The “curfew” for nightlife areas
“Mayors have closed to the public after 9 pm of streets or squares in urban centers, where situations can be created meeting, without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit to legitimate businesses and private homes ”, foresees the draft of the Dpcm. Norm that annoyed the mayors: “It would be a curfew unloaded on our shoulders. We have brought this issue to the attention of the government, “say local authorities. But here is un yellow: in the final text the word mayors disappears. In fact, we read: “The streets or squares of urban centers, where congestion situations can be created, can be closed to the public from 9:00 p.m., without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit, to legitimately open commercial establishments and private homes “.
Bars and restaurants
The provision provides that “the activities of catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are allowed from 5 to 24 with consumption at the table, and with a maximum six people per table, and until 18 in the absence of consumption at the table. Is always allowed catering with home delivery in compliance with hygienic-sanitary standards for both packaging and transport activities, as well as, until midnight catering with food to go, with prohibition of consumption in situ or in the vicinity. the attivita ‘del mense and continuous catering on a contractual basis that guarantees the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter “ food and beverage outlets are open in service and refueling areas located along highways “. Mandatory for exhibitors to exhibit at the entrance of the restaurant a sign indicating the maximum number of peopleand admitted at the same time in the room, according to the protocols and guidelines.
School, admission no earlier than 9 am and shifts also in the afternoon
The will to continue the face-to-face lessons, but introducing the possibility of shapes flexible teaching and staggered admissions in high school, however, compulsorily not before 9 am also to dilute the assistance in the vehicles public during peak hours. “Without prejudice to the fact that the didactic and educational activities for the The first cycle of education and early childhood education services continue to be carried out in presence “, says the text, “to counteract the spread of contagion, prior communication to the Ministry of Education by the regional, local or health authorities of critical situations and of special risk referring to specific territorial contexts, the second secondary schools the degree takes forms flexible in the organization of teaching activities, increasing the use of integrated digital teaching, which continues to be complementary to face-to-face teaching. ”Regarding access to classrooms, a new” modulation “of the management of
students’ entry and exit times “, including the possible use of afternoon shifts and providing that the entry is not made in any case before 9.00 am. To guarantee the proportionality and adequacy of the measures
approved, the periodic holding of regional and local coordination meetings is promoted “.
“The universities'”, provides for the Dpcm, “having heard the reference of the Regional University Committee, prepare, in based on the trend of the epidemiological picture, plans for the organization of classroom and distance teaching and curricular activities according to training needs, taking into account the evolution of the pandemic territorial framework and the corresponding health security needs. “These provisions” apply, to the extent of their compatibility, also to Institutions of high artistic, musical and dance training ”.
Stop at amateur contact sports and amateur competitions.
Dpcm confirm the end of contact sports and amateur competitions. The provisions on the number of spectators at sporting events remain unchanged. “The performance of contact sports, as identified with the provision of the Minister of Sports, is permitted only for” events and competitions relating to individual and team sports recognized as of national or regional interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) , by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies or organized by international sports organizations “.” For such events and competitions, “he says,” the presence of the public is allowed, with a maximum filling percentage of 15% of the total capacity and in any case no more than the maximum number of 1,000 spectators for outdoor sporting events and 200 spectators for indoor sporting events ”.
Pools and gyms
“The basic sports and motor activity in general that is carried out in gyms, swimming pools, public and private sports centers and clubs, or in other structures where activities aimed at the well-being of the person are carried out through physical exercise, are allowed in compliance with the rules of social distancing and without any encounter, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Sports Office, after consulting the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine (FMSI), without prejudice to the new operational guidelines issued by the Autonomous Regions and Provinces, “reads a draft. Conte dio seven days adapt, otherwise it closes.
Parties, fairs and congresses
The Dpcm has the ban on “community festivals and fairs”. “National and international exhibitions are still allowed, after the adoption of protocols validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee “and” according to organizational measures appropriate to the size and characteristics of the places and that guarantee the visitor the possibility of respecting the interpersonal distance of at least one meter “.” All activities ” conventions or congresses are suspended, except for
those that are carried out remotely ”, the text continues,“ all public ceremonies are carried out in accordance with the protocols and guidelines in force and with the condition that the appropriate specific measures are ensured to limit the presence of the public; in the context of public administrations, meetings are held remotely, unless there are justified reasons; It is strongly recommended that private meetings also take place remotely.
Smart work increase
The Smart work in companies and in the public will increase by a certain percentage. This is to avoid the movement of too many people on public transport. Although, says the Minister of Transport, De Micheli, “all international studies maintain that the contribution to the epidemic is very low, and is equivalent to 1.2%. If we talk about local public transport, where there is little time left, the risk is lower it more. ” At the moment, the percentage of those who do smart work in Italy is approximately 50% and with the new decree it will continue to increase.
Contact tracking
A novelty is” the inclusion of the ASL obligation to report infections in the Immun appthe. “For contact tracing to be more effective through the use of the Immuni App”, it is ordered, “the health worker of the Prevention Department of the local health company is obliged, accessing the central Immuni system, to load the code key in the presence of a positive case. “
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