“He is under blackmail, whoever holds him hostage” – Libero Quotidiano


Giuseppe Conte? “It is no longer a free premier, but hostage to their vetoes and blackmails“. He writes it Alessandro Sallusti, who in his cover editorial The newspaper does not stay in the air with the government of Giallorossi, justly accused of proceeding crying, without having a plan or a clear vision of how to deal with the Second wave of coronavirus. “Half the government wants European money from the MONTH – explained Sallusti – the other half doesn’t; State scientists are pushing hard on the blockades, but the majority parties on the issue are divided. There is a difficult health emergency, it is undeniable, but we are also in the middle of a serious political emergency and keep pretending that nothing is as dangerous as the virus. “

Director of The newspaper then he tried to make some suggestions for Prime Minister Conte: “I could try disconnect with a reorganization, but here too it wavers and takes time. His government is like a house of cards: take one out and everything will most likely fall. And then everything stops motionless that may come undone. Yes, but for how long, at what cost? The full powers obtained by the premier are a warm panicle, the results show it ”. According to Sallusti, we do not need a Count with full powers but “a government in all its powers And this is not the case. A wise opposition – he said – must present itself with courage and clarity ”.

Dpcm, to the super-summit: Risk of social unrest.  Very high tension and great words.
