Regional amateur sports matches and competitions continue


Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora rejoices on social networks after the temporary rescue of gyms, swimming pools and sports centers from the closure.

The gyms, swimming pools and sports centers remain open!

Amateur sports matches and competitions continue at the regional and national level, while at the provincial level, sports clubs and associations and promotional bodies will continue to coach team sports but only individually, such as Serie A teams at the beginning of the season. phase. two. To give an example: the team of a football school for very young children or pigeons may continue training, but without playing games.

After a long discussion in the Council of Ministers, with the CTS and the Regions, a choice of common sense prevailed.

In the next few hours, together with the representatives of the sector, we will study more security measures for greater peace of mind for everyone and to avoid possible closures.

However, I make a heartfelt appeal: be careful and abide by the rules as much as you can, in the gym as anywhere else. It is a very critical moment, we have not yet won our war against the coronavirus.

I fought to reach this option but we must all be aware of the difficult moment for the country, which must force us to strictly comply with the protocols.

We have already asked many sacrifices from the world of sports, one of the sectors most affected by the epidemic, and above all we have asked managers for substantial investments to comply with strict measures.

It is not easy to make certain decisions, but I thought not only of the many sports managers and workers and those who go to gyms for their psycho-physical well-being, but also of the many young people, girls and boys, who are severely tested by the imposed rules. . health emergency and that they find in the hours they dedicate to the practice of sport an important moment of liberation and relaxation, essential for their balance.

Furthermore, no scientific evidence reports outbreaks in relation to individual training in controlled settings. It would have been worse to push thousands of enthusiasts and youth to city parks than to continue in places that respect rules and protocols.

I am grateful to President Conte, to the parliamentarians who have expressed themselves clearly, to the Presidents of the Region who, together with their coordinator Bonaccini, have clearly vindicated the will to keep gyms, swimming pools and sports centers open with their rigorous protocols and with total safety.

One last thing: never doubt that I am doing the impossible, day and night, for sport!
