
Introduce double shifts in high school to encourage further dilution of students in public transportation. The hypothesis of dividing classes between morning and afternoon, with an evening outing, was considered by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in conversation with the majority heads of delegation, Minister Francesco Boccia and Prime Minister’s Undersecretary Riccardo Fraccaro, in The Summit course lasted more than three hours on Sunday, October 18.
The knot is again under consideration by Cts.
“At the center of the discussion – writes Ansa – also the school dossier: Minister Lucía Azzolina would have been contacted at a certain moment of the meeting and the hypothesis, which she would have said opposite, would have been debated in particular. Now, however, the government proposals would be re-examined by Regions and CTS for an opinion, as always happens before the launch of a dpcm ”.
The knot of gyms
Among the most debated issues, with some tension – he continues – is the closure of gyms, which would be supported by some ministers but not by the Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora (he agrees with him, by Iv, Teresa Bellanova), nor by the regions “.

Local authorities for staggered schedules
Certainly, governors and mayors continue to ask for uniform national lines in staggered hours and remote teaching: Minister Azzolina has granted the opening of a discussion on schedules with school leaders. But you cannot make an immediate decision on the matter.
Soon, we will know more: Prime Minister Conte has called a press conference for the evening.