Coronavirus, here are the new Dpcm rules: what can and cannot be done


Can we organize a soccer game with friends?

No, the decree states that contact sports are allowed only for recognized individual and team sports of national or regional interest. Basic amateur sports, schools and initial training activities related to contact sports are allowed only on an individual basis and there is no green light for competitions and competitions. All competitions, competitions and activities related to recreational-amateur contact sports are suspended.

Can gyms and swimming pools stay open?

For now, yes, but they are special observations. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte gave gyms and swimming pools a week to comply with security protocols. Decisions will then be made on closings for those who do not respect the protocols.


In my country every year in October they organize the chestnut festival. Can be done?

No, the dpcm prohibits festivals and community fairs. Only national and international trade shows are allowed.

Are trade fairs of national or international importance allowed?

Yes, they are allowed, subject to the adoption of protocols validated by the Scientific Technical Committee and with strict measures capable of guaranteeing compliance with the one meter separation. Community fairs are prohibited.


Is entry to the games room allowed at 10pm?

No, the decree establishes that the activities of games rooms, betting rooms and bingo rooms are allowed from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., provided that the autonomous regions and provinces have previously verified the compatibility of these activities with
the progress of the epidemiological situation in their territories and that they have identified
protocols or guidelines to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the sector. These protocols or guidelines are adopted by the regions or by the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces in accordance with the principles contained in the national protocols or guidelines.


What changes in terms of teaching in universities?

The universities, after consulting the Regional University Committee of reference, draw up, based on the progress of the epidemiological framework, plans for the organization of teaching and curricular activities in presence and at a distance according to the training needs, taking into account the evolution of the framework. pandemic territory. the corresponding health security needs. These provisions also apply, insofar as they are compatible, to institutions of higher artistic, musical and dance training.
