Mayors can stop nightlife at 9pm, stop amateur sport: the new dpcm


As expected, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced the anti-Covid measures contained in the new dpcm, for what appears to be an intermediate phase of tightening. “Mayors will be able to close streets or squares at 9 pm where gatherings can be created,” Conte said at the press conference live from Palazzo Chigi.

“Restaurant, bar and pub activities are allowed from 5 in the morning until midnight, if consumption is made at the tables. Until 6 in the afternoon if consumption is not planned at the tables. In restaurants you can have a maximum of six people per table “.

“School-based activities will be maintained, but flexible forms will be allowed in secondary schools, with admission no earlier than 9 in the morning and with the possibility of afternoon shifts.”

Stop to amateur sport: “Contact sport at the amateur level is prohibited and competitions of basic amateur activity are not allowed. Individual activities will be allowed, professional activity will be allowed.” In the gyms, the situation is one of expectation: “We will give the gyms a week to comply with the safety protocols.” Local parties and festivals are prohibited, national and international fairs are allowed, ”announced the Prime Minister.

We are aware that we will impose financial sacrifices on the entrepreneurs who will suffer the negative effects of these measures: there is a government commitment to restore them. The strategy we are following to counteract this wave of contagion is not and cannot be the same that was implemented in the spring. “Conte assured that he spoke of” necessary measures to avoid a new generalized confinement. “

Amateur sport

“Only events and competitions of regional and national interest are allowed,” while “basic amateur sports, schools and initial training activities related to contact sports are only allowed individually and not for competitions and contests.” All amateur activities are suspended, with regard to football, for example, the regional level reaches First category in some territories and in others to Second, so all Third Category matches are stopped and in some regions also second.

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