Coronavirus, the new decree saves restaurants and schools for now


Rome. New squeeze of bars and restaurants, possible localized curfews by decision of the mayors, yes to the staggered entrances for the institutes, the closing of gyms postponed. These are the main measures announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who introduced the new anti-coronavirus Dpcm to contain the growth of infections.
“We cannot waste time, we must take the necessary measures to avoid a generalized confinement. The country cannot afford a new setback that seriously compromises the social and economic fabric. The third quarter marked a vigorous recovery, better than the Germans, French and Spanish, ”Conte said.

Curfew. The main change is that mayors will be able to close to the public starting at 9:00 p.m. streets and squares with risk of agglomeration, allowing access only to residents and those responsible for commercial activities.
Bars and restaurants. All catering activities can remain open from 5 to midnight if they are expected to be consumed at the table, otherwise they will have to close at 6 pm A maximum of 6 people seated at the table can remain in the restaurants All premises must show the maximum number of people admitted based on security protocols abroad. No limitations for catering activities in hospitals, airports, roads.
Playrooms. Bingo, betting and similar stores must close at 9:00 p.m.

School. “The school activities will continue to be present, they are a fundamental asset for the country,” Conte explained. Second grade secondary schools will be able to organize themselves in “even more flexible ways”, with students arriving from 9:00 AM and, if possible, with afternoon shifts. Universities may be organized in the same way.
Sport. Contact sports at the amateur level are prohibited, competitions and competitions will not be allowed in the basic amateur activity. Individual and professional activities are still allowed.

Fairs, festivals, congresses. All local events will be prohibited, national and international events will remain possible. Suspended conventions and congresses, possible only remotely.
Public administration. All meetings will be held remotely, except for special reasons. Smart work will be favored.

Gyms “After an intense dialogue with the technical-scientific committee – Conte said – we have verified that many times the safety protocols are respected on time, other times they are not. We will give a week to adapt the security protocols and verify their compliance, if this happens there will be no reason to close gyms and swimming pools, otherwise next week we will be forced to suspend sports activities in these places ”.
