Stop Folders and Foreclosures until 2021. Surprisingly, the Council of Ministers held on the night of October 17 approved by decree the extension until December 31, 2020 of the suspension that expired in the middle of the same month.
Stop in folders until December 31
At the proposal of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Minister of Finance Roberto Gualtieri, the CDM has introduced urgent provisions on the issue of tax collection. Just two days ago, Minister Gualtieri said that he would not stop, speaking more of a “great gradualism” in sending and paying fiscal bills.
The authorization to extend the suspension was approved during the CDM that gave the green light to the Budget Law 2021.
The suspension of the invoice notification activities and other acts of the Collection Agent is extended until December 31, 2020. The suspension affects both the sending of new invoices and the payment of those already received.
Tax, phasing out folders
On the same date, the installment expiration period is also extended, extended from 5 to 10 installments due to the health emergency.
The Government also announces that, with the aim of “allowing a gradual provision of the payment notices” that have accumulated in recent months, to which those of the end of 2020 will also be added, 12 month deferral the deadline to start folder notification.
The first part of the suspension, which expired on October 15, has already cost the tax authorities 65.8 million euros. The executive has not disclosed details on how the new stop will be financed.
Castelli, suspension is necessary for everyone
The Vice Minister of Economy Laura castelli, in a post on Facebook, wrote that the new suspension is a measure “necessary for all.”
“There are no jokes about social tension. We are almost at the end of a difficult year as we could never have imagined and it is important to continue protecting the least, the weakest, those who need help ”, said Castelli.