Italy is ready to face the second wave of coronavirus infections. The first Giuseppe Conte presented the new Dpcm at a press conference, which contains the measures that the government has prepared to counter the spread of the virus. “We must act now – said the premier – to avoid a generalized confinement. The strategy cannot be the same as in Phase 1. The most effective measures remain the basic precautions: mask, spacing and hand hygiene. We pay attention in situations where we let our guard down, with family and friends. In these situations, the utmost caution is required. ” The cessation of amateur sports activities has been confirmed, contact sports -such as football- at the amateur level are also prohibited. However, professional sports activity is allowed.
THE SPORTS FUND – As learned from Calciomercato.com It was precisely the sports part that forced the Premier to postpone their press conference during the day. Until 30 minutes before the surgery, in fact, no agreement was reached on sports activities and gyms.
NEWS FOR AMATEURS – The Ministry directed by Spadafora eventually he got big news for amateur sports and grassroots activities. Yes to outdoor sports, respecting the safety distance. Basic sports activities for amateurs (therefore for children and adolescents), schools and initial training activities related to contact sports are allowed only individually (for example, group exercises and matches are not allowed) and they are not allowed. races and competitions. Futsal, basketball and contact sports at the amateur level are prohibited, while competitive amateur competitions remain, which will be recognized by Coni (and its regional subsections) as of regional and national interest. In the case of soccer, for example, the activity should be saved up to the second category and the third (generally provincial) could also be included if it is considered of regional interest.
POOLS AND GYMNASIUMS – The gyms and swimming pools remain open, but they will have a week to adapt the protocols.
SCHOOL – Schools will remain open. The didactic and educational activity for the first educational cycle and for childhood will continue to be developed in presence. Second grade secondary schools adopt flexible ways in organizing teaching activities, increasing the use of integrated digital learning. Possible afternoon shifts.
ASSEMBLIES – The mayors may order “the closure to the public, after 9:00 p.m., of streets or squares of urban centers, where meeting situations can be created, without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit to commercial establishments and private homes open legitimately “.
BARS AND RESTAURANTS – Catering activities (bars, restaurants, pubs, patisseries, ice cream parlors, etc.) are allowed from 05.00 to 24.00 with consumption at the table, with a maximum of 6 people per table. From 05.00 to 18.00 in the absence of consumption at the table. On the other hand, home catering is always allowed, as well as takeaway catering until midnight.
GAME ROOM – The activities of gaming, betting and bingo rooms are allowed from 08:00 to 21:00, provided that the regions and provinces have verified the compatibility of the performance of these activities with the trend of the epidemiological situation in their territories..