The new takes shape Dpcm that the Government intends to implement in the next few hours to introduce new restrictive measures capable of curbing the increase in coronavirus infections. The Regions presented to the executive a document entitled ‘First proposals shared by the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces for the adoption of the next Dpcm’.
“After the discussion between the Regions and the government – reads the document – carried out this morning, a substantial appreciation emerged of the method proposed by ministers Speranza and Boccia, regarding the need to share between the Government and the Regions a path that quickly leads to the adoption of a Dpcm that contains more measurements. to combat the spread of infection more effectively. The proposed method refers to the distinction between activities that are more or less crucial for the stability of the national system at this stage. Among those that cannot be given up are school and work / production, which therefore must be protected as a priority. The second category includes all places and activities where distancing is more difficult and the use of devices and compliance with anti-contagion safety regulations are not guaranteed, in particular due to the lack of organization and management (nightlife), by contact (certain sports activities), or for the inevitable social gatherings “.
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New Dpcm, the proposals of the Regions
Deep down, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces agree that the second pandemic wave must be faced by doing the impossible to avoid total blockades. Therefore, in addition to the continuous strengthening of all public health measures, it is necessary to protect work and school from rigid blockages. For this and in line with what emerged from the first discussion with the Government, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces identify the following points as necessary for further study:
- Local public transport: favor a better staggering of daily admissions to schools and universities, also through the link between school principals and local public transport agencies.
- School me instruction: remodel the entrances and exits of schools, providing a wider time interval that would allow public transport not to become congested. Regarding this measure, however, a preliminary national orientation is necessary, which must be reached with the unions and applied throughout the national territory. At the same time, a more meaningful but selective use of integrated teaching is possible for upper secondary schools, with special reference to the three years of secondary school. For the University, evaluate the application of distance learning with the exception of first-year students.
- Job: forecast of a higher percentage of use of smart work (equal to or greater than 70%) for all workers, starting with public workers not involved in emergency management.
- Provide protection institutions and / and soda cheap immediate for artisans, professionals and CIF in isolation and quarantine.
- Provide that all workers in isolation, including trustees or in quarantine, can access the treatment provided in the case of disease or you can benefit from social safety nets for the entire duration of the isolation or quarantine, that is, also during the waiting period for the buffer results.
- The fruit of get out parental must be provided throughout the period of isolation or quarantine for parents of students under 14 years of age.
- Improve systems Greeting me Safety in the workplace, through increased involvement of the Heads of the Protection and Prevention Service (RSPP) and competent physicians who could be involved in tampon handling, serologicals and related tracing.
- Pub me catering: confirm the current forecast for the closure of catering activities at 24.00, specifying that the subsequent opening cannot take place before 5.00. Evaluate a measure that allows only consumption at the table from 6 in the afternoon.
- Absolute prohibition of meetings outdoors (squares, parks, outside the enclosure) also intensifying the controls.
- Give pharmacists a chance to do tampons and saliva exams and tests.
- Sport: specify the maximum uniform percentage for indoor and outdoor sports facilities up to a maximum of 1000 spectators or 15% of the capacity, for all events and competitions relating to individual and team sports, recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee ( CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and by the respective federations, or organized by international sports organizations.
- Suspension of local fairs and festivals excluding national and international fairs
- Increase of agents safety for the application of measurements restrictive. Also consider hiring auxiliary staff to support local law enforcement.
- Absolute need for more flexibility for the recruitment of staff to be employed in hospitals or local services, which also provides for a wider use of staff mobility within healthcare facilities.
- For all activities economic and productive, for any reason affected by any limitation, provide economic relief.