
Vincenzo De Luca comments the new Dpcm in relation to “Che Tempo che Fa”: «In the draft there are elements of great ambiguity and things in between. The take-away of food and drink lasts until midnight, as long as it is not consumed nearby, but who measures adjacency? There are unclear decisions, but we’ll see. There are things about the school, they plan to do the things we do here. The Dpcm provides for distance learning: we have not closed, but we have decided to use Dad for two weeks, in a very dangerous situation.
READ ALSO Vincenzo De Luca against “Allauin”, the video ends in the English press
Vincenzo De Luca defends the option of closing schools for two weeks in Campania. The president of the Campania Region said: “When 1,200 infections a day are reached, we must intervene in all fields. For the school we have done extraordinary things: we have serology for 90% of the school personnel, we have distributed thermocans to schools, we have increased public transport. We have had extraordinary attention for the school world, but when the crisis unit gives you 800 infections, you cannot refuse it. So to prevent them from becoming 2,000, we must intervene ».
And he explains: «Since May we have opened everything in Italy. In this context, Campania is the most fragile region, because we have the highest population density in Italy. If we want to save ourselves, we must decide before others and more rigorously. In conclusion, a joke about the sentence of the sports judge on Juventus-Napoli: “A sentence as clear as a bowl of bagnacauda”.
Last updated: 21:35