Here is the new Dpcm of the Conte government, which has just presented it at a press conference: “The country cannot afford a new confinement. The mayors will be able to close the public after 21 streets and squares where gatherings are created. All catering activities are allowed from 5 to 24 if consumption is done at the tables, otherwise only until 6 in the afternoon. Home delivery will be allowed without time restrictions, to take out until 24 in the afternoon. The schools will continue to operate in presence, but the students will enter from 9 in the morning and if possible also with afternoon shifts. Amateur contact sport is still prohibited. Local festivals and fairs are prohibited, while national or international fairs are still allowed.
the. In public administrations all meetings must be held remotely, we will increase smart work. Regarding the gyms, there was also an intense dialogue with the CTS: we have varied and contradictory news, many times the safety conditions are guaranteed and others not. We will give one week to adapt the security protocols and verify their compliance: we will be forced to suspend the sports activity that takes place indoors if there are no guarantees. We are aware that economic operators are going to have repercussions, there is a government commitment to restore them. At the beginning of the pandemic we were without masks, without large-scale tests and controls, in difficulty in intensive care where now the places have more than doubled. We have hired 34 thousand health workers, we produce 20 million surgical masks every day ”, Conte’s first words.
In short, here are the decisions of the new Dpcm.
Here are the new measures announced at the press conference by Prime Minister Conte:
