“This is not my concept of collaboration.” Matteo salvini responded immediately to Giuseppe Conte that, apart from the press conference where he presented the new Dpcm, revealed that he had also informed opposition leaders that he was about to sign the new measures to curb the contagion from coronavirus. “After months of making proposals – the secretary of the League attacked – about work, school, layoffs and health care and we remain unheard, I got a 60 second call from the prime minister tonight at 9.31pm, before going live on television ”. In short, according to former Minister Conte, he only remembered the opposition leader and the first Italian party. However, at the microphones in front of Palazzo Chigi he announced that this week he will go to Parliament to illustrate the measures taken to the opposition leaders: a completely useless gesture, given that the confrontation would have been necessary before stopping the Dpcm. But now it is clear that the prime minister is a single man in charge: this time he has partially ignored some more restrictive CTS recommendations, let alone if he will ever be interested in what the opposition has to propose.