“Coronavirus in Cagliari, we are at war: immediately reopen the San Giovanni and Binaghi hospitals”


“Coronavirus- Now we are at war! Immediately, the reopening of the two hospitals in Cagliari, San Giovanni di Dio and Binaghi should be immediately accessible to admissions. The Union Base Sindical has always opposed the closure of hospitals, the cuts of beds and the outsourcing of contracted services, for us they were catastrophic elections against which we have always fought. Closing two hospitals in Cagliari was crazy ”, the dramatic appeal of Gianfranco Angioni, director of the USB. Strong words against a health system surrounded by Covid in Cagliari: “Proof of this is the disastrous consequence in the organizational aspects, the hospitals in the metropolitan area are saturated with patients and the reopening of the two hospitals in the city would really be a gift from the heaven. Unfortunately, after the various groups of infections, we cannot afford to close entire departments to be fully recovered. How not to refer to the Brotzu Hospital Nephrology and Dialysis Department affected by numerous infections, the only structure with beds for the entire south-central island. These choices, although painful but certainly necessary, if they continue to be made, put the risk that the epidemic will evolve in a culpable way to the detriment of operators and patients. Inside the hospitals there is a lot of fear, the contagion among health workers continues, the much-advertised housing that will be made available to infected workers is a mirage. Another mirage is the ghost COVID Bond recently approved by the Regional Authority. With the non-profit agreement signed with the complicity of the business unions, the economic resources allocated at the national level with the Cura Italia decree have been passed off as regional resources. Once again, things are not at all as they are told, it must be taken into account that the economic resources will be integrated into the contractual funds of the working conditions only after the Companies draw up the “Plan of compensation for the performance of the employees directly employed in In contrast to the Covid-19 emergency “effectively excluding all contracted workers who work within companies (catering services, cleaning, maintenance, CUP, etc.). In short, once again we wanted to classify the workers of series A and series B, the workers WILL NOT HAVE ANY PRIZE, they will be recognized (if the resources arrive) the payment only of what is owed; extraordinary; immediate availability; night diets, etc. You cannot improvise at this delicate moment, Sardinia certainly does not deserve the fans in danger, its failed decisions are bringing the Regional Health System to its knees. Although a regional reform has been approved, which will see the redistribution of dozens of new seats, the Union of the Base asks what has been done in all this time so that these serious problems never come to the surface in all their drama. like endless waiting lists and tours that can be booked after dozens of months. Too comfortable to occupy the top positions, well paid and proving to be completely incapable of handling a health emergency that with the resurgence of the virus is sweeping the entire regional territory. Monitoring and reevaluation of all protocols adopted for the COVID-19 emergency at the regional level is immediately needed. It is also necessary to prepare lists of operators ready to be immediately available to deal with this ongoing health emergency, hundreds of operators (doctors, nurses, OSS and auxiliaries) are needed. The internalization of the contracted services is immediately necessary, EVERYONE MUST HAVE THE SAME DIGNITY – FOR THE SAME JOB EVERYONE MUST HAVE THE SAME SALARY. Those with responsibility find the humility to admit their mistakes and take a step back, nothing can be left to chance. Then you can’t go on, the equipment is stuck, you need to restore or replace it immediately ”, concludes Gianfranco Angioni, USB leader.
