New Dpcm, the knot in the school theme


Requests to Minister Azzolina refer to greater clarity on distance learning and staggered admissions. Governors then push for hiring and ask for firm guidelines for transportation

Among the new measures present in the dpcm on coronavirus (LIVE UPDATES – THE SPECIAL) that should be operational on Monday 19, the question of the school is fundamental. With hundreds of institutes throughout Italy closed or with classes in quarantine (THE GALLERY), the case of Campania where the lessons have been suspended until October 30, the debate is still open and the negotiations continue at the discussion table between the government and the Regions. .

The confrontation with Minister Azzolina


New Anti-Covid Dpcm, Conte’s announcement expected tonight

The president of the association of Municipalities Decaro took the floor during the morning’s work and stopped the summit between the government and the Regions: “We want to be collaborative – he declared – but this is not good.” of the Minister of Education Azzolina, but some participants -among them the vice-president of the Campania Bonavitacola Region- criticized the attitude of the minister who proposed convening the services conference for greater coordination, with the premise that “teaching remains in the presence of all “.

Clear answers about distance learning


Coronavirus in Italy and in the world, the latest news. DIRECT

A part of distance learning, explains Decaro and Manfredi, director of the University, is already carried out by the institutes. But some governors have returned to the attack, demanding clear answers. These include the possibility of ‘forcing’ the principle of school autonomy, provided that during the Covid emergency the Regions can impose entry times for greater staggering. “The only discordant note was Minister Azzolina on schools: for distance education, clear and immediate rules are needed. Enough of unfinished tables,” says the Ligurian governor Toti. While the governor of Lombardy, Fontana, said he agreed with the minister on the need to “differentiate the start time of other activities.”

l school bus and recruitment node


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Several regional presidents have insisted on the issue of transportation, reporting that they already use tourist buses. The governor of Emilia Romagna, Bonaccini, referred to the images of the meetings on the buses. The requests made also include the request to hire more permanent staff. “It is the decisive weapon to enhance the response of the national health service to the Covid emergency,” said Abruzzo President Marsilio. Regarding schools, universities and transport, the proposals of the Regions and local authorities are common sense ”, explained the head of Regional Affairs of Boccia.

Minister De Micheli: “Staggered entry to secondary school”


From school to health, a bill of 40 billion: the measures

The Minister of Transport, Paola de Micheli, who spoke with Half an hour more on Rai Tre, he stated that “there will be no reduction in the filling rate of local means of transport, but the adoption of other measures: staggered admission to secondary schools, different hours for workers and greater use of smart work in comparison with the current 50% “. Regarding the movement of workers, De Micheli explained that “greater control has been agreed with the companies on the subway platforms to facilitate the up and down flows.”
