Free serological tests in pharmacies, the Democratic Party: “Do as Emilia-Romagna”


BOLOGNA. Since Monday 19, Emilia Romagna has made free serological tests available to students and their families in pharmacies. And the Democratic Party points this good example to the other regions administered by the center-left, Piedmont and Abruzzo among the first.

“It is time for Piedmont to catch up with the most virtuous regions”, writes the vice president of the Regional Health Commission of Piedmont, Domenico Rossi, and the other exponent of Daniele Valle

“Abruzzo follow the good example of Emilia Romagna and make it possible also in our region to perform rapid serological tests in pharmacies, totally free for students and families”, propose the leader of the Pd group in the Regional Council Silvio Paolucci and the councilor Pd Pierpaolo Pietrucci. An appeal addressed to the executive and in favor of the prevention of the virus, to which Emilia Romagna, first in Italy, has dedicated a real strengthening, signing an agreement with the pharmaceutical trade associations, directly involved in the project that will take off these days.

The Emilia-Romagna campaign that starts tomorrow includes two million serological tests (400 thousand in the first month) and is the first in Italy completely dedicated to students (0 to 18 years old), family members who live together and university students, provided they are assisted. in Emilia-Romagna. Rapid and free screening (performed in 15 minutes) will be available at more than 660 pharmacies by reservation directly at the pharmacy. The number of pharmacies participating in the Piacenza-Rimini agreement is constantly increasing.

The initiative will remain active until June 30, 2021, with the possibility of taking the test even more than once during the school year. Each test costs the Health Service € 16.76, but for the citizen everything will be free.
