Bologna, October 18, 2020 – New cases fall contagion of coronavirus in Emilia Romagna: they are 526 with 6 victims (yesterday the new positives were 641 and 5 victims were registered). But the number of gods also drops dramatically tampons processed: it goes from more than 13 thousand yesterday to 9 thousand today.
Of the 526 cases, 200 are asymptomatic and 148 were already in solitary confinement when the report was delivered. L ‘middle age of the new patients is 43.5 years. THE active cases are 9,163 (514 more than yesterday) while only registered 6 new cured. The percentage positive on all swabs processed sell a 5.72% (yesterday was the 4.81%).
Read also: Coronavirus Italy, today’s newsletter, October 18. Covid figures and table
Bologna, As in recent days, it is the province most affected with 115 cases, followed later Reggio emilia (71), Ferrara (63), Modena (59), Piacenza (43), Rimini (37), Parma (22), Ravenna (sixteen). A Imola 40, Forlì 32 ea Cesena 28.
The country is preparing for the new Dpcm that should discourage gatherings and ban contact sports, even if there are still many hypotheses on the field. Meanwhile, a new boom in cases in Tuscany that has registered more than 900 cases, the Marks is also bad with 204 cases and 3 victims. the Veneto registers the largest increase in covid cases in this second wave, with 800 new infected in 24 hours.
The victims
Unfortunately, there are 6 new deaths: 1st Modena (a 98 year old woman); 4th Parma and province (3 men of 89, 80 and 74 years old and a woman of 91) and 1 year Piacenza (82-year-old man).
am 67 patients in intensive care (+2 compared to yesterday) e 439 (+12 again from yesterday) those hospitalized in other Covid departments. The 67 patients hospitalized in intensive care are distributed as follows: 8 to Piacenza (one less than yesterday), 5 a Parma (stable compared to yesterday), 2nd Reggio emilia (stable compared to yesterday), 8 a Modena (+1 compared to yesterday), 30 to Bologna (2 more than yesterday); 1st Imola (stable compared to yesterday), 2nd Ferrara (stable compared to yesterday); 2nd Ravenna (one less than yesterday), 2nd Forlì (stable compared to yesterday), 2nd Cesena (number unchanged since yesterday) and 5 a Rimini (1 more than yesterday).
The contagion map
These the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 5,642 a Piacenza (+43, of which 25 symptomatic), 4,782 years Parma (+22, of which 13 symptomatic), 6,457 to Reggio emilia (+71, of which 61 symptomatic), 5,672 years Modena (+59, of which 23 symptomatic), 7,409 to Bologna (+115, of which 90 symptomatic); 698 cases a Imola (+40, of which 29 symptomatic), 1,869 to Ferrara (+63, of which 2 symptomatic); 2,028 a Ravenna (+16, of which 8 symptomatic), 1,780 to Forlì (+32, of which 17 symptomatic), 1,363 years Cesena (+28, of which 23 symptomatic) and 3,159 to Rimini (+37, of which 15 symptomatic).
Bologna always on top
A Bologna and province, in 115 new positives, 90 are symptomatic and 25 asymptomatic. Of the 17 asymptomatic patients who are in epidemiological investigation, 5 have been identified with tests for specific categories (companies, Cra, school) and 3 for contact tracing. Of the 115 general cases, 97 are classified as sporadic and 18 attributable to identified outbreaks.
Imola is also bad
In Imola District Sign up today 40 new positives (yesterday there were 12), of which 11 asymptomatic. 23 are contacts of already confirmed cases, mainly relatives or partners; 1 was screened with presurgical screening and 2 with occupational screening; 14, sporadic, rubbed because they were symptomatic.
Outbreaks in Reggio Emilia
In the province of Reggio emilia, his 71 new positive cases of which 10 asymptomatic, 34 are attributable to outbreaks already known, 37 classified as sporadic.
In Ferrara almost all asymptomatic
In the province of Ferrara me 63 positives, 61 of which asymptomatic, are divided as follows: 5 new infections from contacts of known cases, all attributable to family or school outbreaks; 1 person submitted to smear for symptoms at the request of the GP, 1 in the hospital for symptoms and 1 identified for screening in health professionals; 39 guests Cra, all in isolation, tested for detection; 16 workers from the same Cra, always identified by screening.
Known case infections in Modena
am 59 the new positives in the province of Modena, of which 36 asymptomatic. In detail: 27 are contacts of known cases, linked to several outbreaks, 5 have tested positive for screening by professional categories and in the school environment, 1 is back from abroad (Ukraine) and for 26 cases, sporadic, epidemiological investigation.
A positive in the Cra de Piacenza
In the province of Piacenza am 43 the new positives, of which 18 asymptomatic. 9 for tests carried out in private laboratories; 1 in Cra, 3 for employee evaluation; 8 carried out by the territorial units of Usca due to the presence of symptoms and 15, again due to the presence of symptoms, for public hygiene; 2 for access to the emergency room, 4 in the school environment, 1 for the detection of health personnel.
Rimini, family infections
A Rimini am 37 the new cases, of which 22 asymptomatic. 12 patients, considered sporadic, were identified by the presence of symptoms; 21 for contact with certain cases, mostly family; 2 for professional tests, 1 for pre-hospitalization tests and 1 for returning from abroad (Ukraine).
In Forlì, half are asymptomatic
A Forlì Are reported 32 cases, of which 15 asymptomatic. 25 tested positive by contact with known positive outbreak cases; 2 after a swab requested by the family doctor for symptoms; 1 after swab performed at the end of quarantine by contact with positive; 1 from a swab made in a private laboratory; 1 for pre-admission swabs, 1 for screening in private nursing homes, and 1 for positive contact with family members
Follow up contacts to Cesena
am 28 new cases a Cesena, of which 5 asymptomatic. In detail: 16 were identified by contact tracing, by contact of already verified cases, mostly in the family, 10 by symptoms and 1 by professional screening; 1 case returns from abroad (Tunisia).
Screening on the Cra in Parma
me 22 cases of Parma and province, of which 9 asymptomatic were identified: 10 due to the presence of symptoms; 5 for contact tracing, mainly outbreaks; 4 for screening prior to admission and 2 for screening in a Cra, 1 by swab performed voluntarily by a citizen.
Two laps from abroad to Ravenna
A Ravenna They registered sixteen new cases, of which 9 asymptomatic. 6 sporadic patients, identified by symptoms, 8 by contact tracing, most of them by relatives and some from outside the province; 2 to return from abroad (Romania and Moldova).
It will be out tomorrow, Monday 19, throughout theEmilia romagna, what fast and free serological screening at the pharmacy, addressed to students from 0 to 18 years old, those who attend secondary school, those who cohabitating family members (parents, grandparents, siblings and other relatives, as long as they live together) and university students with a family doctor in the Region. “A campaign never seen before in Italy”, according to the regional councilor for health policies Raffaele Donini, who stated: “It is the first time that students of all levels and levels participate in a projection in our country. We distribute 2 million tests to pharmacies to reach almost half the population. We await the best response ”. All the information andlist of available pharmacies – more than 660 of those who have already joined from Piacenza to Rimini, but will increase in the coming days and weeks – can be found on the Region’s website.
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