Coronavirus, new rules in Friuli for bars, schools and restaurants


The new decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, scheduled for today, should provide for the closure of bars and nightclubs ale 21 and restaurants at 11 pm or midnight Last night, Prime Minister Conte had a meeting with the heads of the majority delegation on what the new provision should provide. In the schedules, government sources confirm, they are hypotheses, no decision has been made yet. And Conte stops. Meanwhile, the meeting between the Government, Regions and local organizations has started.

Dpcm October 18: the new measures of the winery

During the night, during the Council of Ministers that approved, the bill containing the State Budgets for fiscal year 2021 and the multi-year budget for the triennium 2021-2023 and the extension of fiscal invoices until December 31 was approved. 2020, the new measures of the coronavirus emergency were discussed while yesterday’s Civil Protection bulletin reported about eleven thousand cases and 47 deaths. But the anti-contagion measures of Covid-19 that will enter the new Dpcm have not yet been defined in detail. First we will need another confrontation with the local authorities and a final discussion in the government: that is why we envision the launch for tonight, Sunday, October 18.

At the end of a discussion that majority sources define as “very tense”, there is still no synthesis on various aspects, for which the discussion with local authorities will be decisive: from the stop at fairs and congresses, to the hypothesis of prohibiting consumption . spirits outside the enclosure from 6:00 p.m. The new grip should target, as the CTS also suggests, a series of measures such as:

  • 75% smart work in public administration;
  • the staggering of the high school schedule, with the hypothesis of entry at 11 o’clock and a distance learning fee to lighten transport (but a reduction in the maximum capacity of the buses is not excluded).
  • the cessation of amateur contact sports and, but there is still no certainty, the closure of gyms and swimming pools.

It also focuses on a push to track infections, urged by experts. Continue dividing the package of measures against nightlife and a possible form of “curfew”. At the end of the evening summit at Palazzo Chigi, the falling point seems to be the closing of bars and pubs at 9 pm, restaurants at midnight, so as not to weigh on a sector that is already suffering a lot. But the government asks for caution in indiscretions: There are those who continue to press for even tougher measures, especially during the weekend. And that, like Italia Viva, is against the new closures and keeps its guard up: despite the denial from various government sources, the Renzians do not exclude that the hypothesis – which they opposed – of a stop in hairdressers and beauty centers. And here the Republic specifies that net of the mourning of the hour (23 or 24), the executive’s approach still foresees that the measure must be differentiated according to the territories, delegating to the Regions the task of shortening the closure even more.

And this is because the curve of the virus changes from one region to another. Another rule could be added to this rule: the limit for the sale of takeout alcohol at 6 in the afternoon (a few days ago it was set at 9 at night). After that, you can just serve it to the table. This is Franceschini’s proposal, perhaps the most drastic measure to hit the night.

However, Conte’s hand is always behind the decision not to block hairdressers and beauty centers. The prime minister believes that shutting down these activities would give the feeling of an emergency that requires the first shutdown.

Meanwhile, a new government-Regions meeting is scheduled on the measures to be introduced. According to what has been learned, the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, has called a summit for 10 this morning which will also be attended by Anci and Upi, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, and the minister of the University, Gaetano Manfredi, in addition to the commissioner Domenico Arcuri and the head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli.

The intelligent functioning of the public administration in the Dpcm October 18

Meanwhile, it divides the limitation to the circulation of citizens and it seems excluded that it is foreseen in the new dpcm. The prohibition to park in front of public places after 9:00 p.m. remains in force to avoid meetings. According to Corriere della Sera Prime Minister Conte is the most determined to stop the “penitentiaries”: “We are not in March, we must make proportionate and thoughtful decisions,” he repeated yesterday to those of the Democratic Party who asked for a curfew at 10 p.m. throughout Italy and distance education for secondary school.

The prime minister did not consider it so urgent to promulgate new rules, he would have preferred to wait and monitor the epidemiological curve. Also because, as he explained to the ministers, “people are tired and exasperated and there is a risk of social unrest.”

But the Democratic Party has opted for an interventionist line, the head of the delegation Dario Franceschini has begun to pressure and the rest has been done by Roberto Speranza, who looks at the 33,000 cases in France and presses to stop the country’s engines: “You have to accelerate so as not to reach those dramatic numbers. “

For now, however, self-certification will not return, but on smart work, the newspaper explains, the decision has been made: 75% of workers will have to stay in smart work. A measure that aims to limit contacts within offices, but also to reduce presences in public transport. This is a measure that concerns public employees, but it can also be adopted in the private sector with specific agreements. The CTS has expressed a favorable opinion and the governors have also expressed their approval. Finally, La Stampa writes about the curfew that scientists propose a lockout of at least 22, as the most rigorous in the government. Piedmont is the first region to oppose this hypothesis.

New Dpcm, meeting between the Government and the Regions

The meeting between the Government, Regions and local Organizations on the measures to contain the Covid epidemic has begun. In fact, the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, has called a summit with the Regions, Anci and Upi. Also participating in the meeting are the ministers Manfredi, Speranza, Azzolina, De Micheli, as well as the head of civil protection, Angelo Borrelli, and the emergency commissioner, Domenico Arcuri.

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