There is a fact about him Sweden which is worth much more than a thousand words: in the last week the new daily cases of coronavirus infection have never exceeded a thousand. The record, if we want to call it that, dates back to October 15, with 970 positivity. For the rest, we have to go back to June 27 to find more than a thousand cases a day (1,204). The deaths, on the other hand, have not exceeded the limit of 5 since July: the last bulletin on Saturday, October 17, has registered zero victims.
Those of Sweden are encouraging figures, especially when compared with the indicators registered in the rest of Europe. Not only that: it is interesting to dwell on the infamous model adopted by the Swedish authorities to contain the spread of the virus. While most European states have implemented (and are about to implement) severe restrictive measures, with more or less severe blockades, Stockholm has avoided blockades and draconian measures.
Many criticized the “Swedish model”, initially considered a example not to follow. But as the months passed, when the numbers showed that the Nordic government was right, the situation was completely reversed. And those who criticized Sweden began to take its modus operandi as a point of reference.
The creator of the “Swedish model”
The author of this particular strategy is Andres Tegnell, chief epidemiologist at the Swedish Public Health Agency. Tegnell, interviewed by Corriere della Sera Via Skype, he explained that Sweden is not dealing with the second wave of coronavirus. And this would be happening precisely for the model adopted by Stockholm.
“We have had an increase in contagion, but it is already slowing down. We hope we can control the wave we have and we are sure that we can“Tegnell said, noting that Sweden did not impose any lockdowns on its citizens last spring.
In any case, the epidemiologist specified that in the Scandinavian country there was a “virtual lock“with many citizens shutting themselves up at home in the darkest moment of the pandemic. However, there is a big difference between the Swedish strategy and that of other states.
A particular confinement
“One of the largest differences compared to other European countries – added Tegnell – is that in Sweden we did not close and we did not reopen even after our virtual lockdwon, we maintained the same measures throughout the period and this had the effect of containing contagions“.
The Swedish epidemiologist then specified a relevant fact. Sweden has established its own type of lockdown. In this way “we have slowed down the company considerablyTegnell clarified.If he had been in Stockholm in the spring, he would have found empty streets and airports, public transport without people. The Swedes have slowed down their movements“he added.
As for the effect of More expensive, according to Tegnell this would not be “so strong“as many believe”.In Italy there have been rules about masks for a long time.“said the epidemiologist, but”Despite this, we see a huge increase in cases. Templates can’t solve everything“.