VASTA AREA 3 has approved an integration of the scheme to find beds: it will proceed in three steps according to the worsening of the pandemic. As in March, Asur plans to “dirty” all the hospitals immediately. The text does not mention the spaceship designed by Bertolaso

The Civitanova Covid center not mentioned in the updated Vasta Area 3 plan
of Luca patrassi
The regional council has just taken over the offices and functions, Covid has been on the ground for a while and has in fact relaunched the offensive for what appears to be the second wave of pandemics. While waiting for the Acquaroli-Saltamartini duo, governor and health councilor, to formalize the strategy, also based on what the government decides, the Vast Area 3 faces the plan of October 8, presented a document of 17 pages. as “Covid 19 Paths Integration”.

Old infectious diseases in Macerata used in the first wave
The impression is that of being, for the most part, before a reissue of the plan that was already operational with the first pandemic wave. All hospitals are “dirty”, then based on the flow of admissions, we move forward with the use of wards and entire hospitals for Covid patients. The only variant is the use of the old Infectious Diseases Building, whose works had been completed under the direction of Alessandro Maccioni, and which solves many problems related to the risk of contagion since it has independent access to the central hospital. However, it is not a “copy and paste” of the old plan: they also write it in the premise of the new plan: “The update was developed according to the experience gained during the recent Covid 19 epidemic.” Asur’s plan is to begin (perhaps, that phase has already ended, given the hospitalizations) with the participation of the structures that see the Infectious Diseases wards present. Nobody in Macerata, the Vasta Area 3 refers to Fermo. In case of deterioration – already outlined, so it appears, ed – “the dedicated paths will be quickly reorganized in the structures that have already developed specific skills during the first phase of the epidemic or Camerino / Civitanova and former Infectious Diseases in Macerata”.

Camerino Hospital turned into a Covid hospital during the first wave
“Given the rapid evolution – it is written in the introduction – of the regulatory framework and the expansion of Covid 19 in the territory, it was necessary to proceed with a global reorganization of the hospital network in order to provide timely and adequate responses to care needs urgent with total safety for both users and health professionals. “We are in the numbers and the beds. First stage.« In Macerata six patients in the external container, one in the Ab Emergency room and one in the negative pressure room of the Resuscitation. In Civitanova six patients in the external container, two in the emergency room and one in the negative pressure room in intensive care. In Camerino one patient in a room dedicated to the emergency room with transfer within 24 hours to the available hospital structure, in San Severino a patient in a room dedicated to the first aid point while 24 hours in the hospital structure available ”.

The Civitanova hospital converted into a dual-track Covid hospital during the first wave
To date, the data cited appear to be on the verge of breaking, at least for hospitalizations that do not require intensive care. If the admissions landscape gets tough, phase two is passedAfter the appointment of a crisis unit, coordinated by the health director who is in charge until the end of the month, the doctor who won the selection and who runs the risk of finding himself in a new place in the midst of a pandemic will take over . Regarding the second phase, the plan establishes: “The hospitalization area of Camerino with 45 beds or the old building of Infectious Diseases of Macerata with 43 beds will be activated, in case of unavailability of intensive and semi-intensive care beds, to the use of the dressing room. First step, the use of the intensive care beds and ex-Utic, once the eight beds are saturated, another eight will be converted into the Cardiology department. ” The beds in phase 2: in Macerata 43 in the medical area, two semi-intensive and one intensive; in Civitanova 6 in the medical area, 2 semi-intensive and 1 intensive; in Camerino 45 in the medical area, 8 semi-intensive and 8 intensive. The overall figure of Av3: 94 in the medical area, 12 semi-intensive and 10 intensive. In the case of saturation, Av3 says that a complete conversion of the Civitanova hospital into Covid will have 64 beds in the medical area, 8 in intensive care and 4 in semi-intensive care ”.

Regional Health Councilor Filippo Saltamartini and Governor Francesco Acquaroli
In the 17 pages of the plan of Vast Area 3 there is no trace of the Covid Hospital in Civitanova. The Region does not indicate it in charge of Av3, perhaps it is thinking of an emergency use at a regional level, in case of extreme need, perhaps to avoid damaging the susceptibility of some medical categories, perhaps for other reasons. The truth is that also this time, regarding the first pandemic wave that, however, surprised everyone, Asur plans to immediately “dirty” all hospitals, avoiding identifying a Covid Hospital capable of responding to the request of the territory. The reflection of a “mixed” policy – patients with Covid and not Covid – had led in the first wave to a collapse in hospital activities with a drastic cut in operating sessions, visits and examinations. On the positive side, we saw that there were fewer queues in the emergency room and less use of important equipment for inappropriate and in any case non-urgent examinations, on the negative side there was the loss of important months to allocate them to the prevention of the most serious . of oncologists. Last problem: the Vast Area 3 of Macerata has been waiting for the appointment of a general director for three months after the resignation of Alessandro Maccioni, who has become the administrative director of the Perugia water utility.