
Covid, 475 new positives in Sicily but the swabs made are less than yesterday. Two victims, 11 hospitalized
It is mainly the elderly who die. The median age of coronavirus deaths in Sicily, looking at the two weeks from September 27 to October 13, is about 79 years, in line with the country’s average of 80 years. Men are more affected than women. 62 percent of victims, according to a national study by the Higher Institute of Health, had multiple illnesses before the virus. In Sicily, from March to today, 5 percent of those infected have died.
The oldest to die in recent weeks in Sicily was a 98-year-old patient from Palermo. The youngest are two 56-year-olds, registered in the bulletins released by the Ministry of Health on September 30 and October 12. One of the two, the latter chronologically, was a Gela traffic policeman, hospitalized on September 19 at the Sant’Elia hospital in Caltanissetta for coronavirus pneumonia. Then A few days later in the infectious disease ward, he was transferred to intensive care where he died.

Mezzojuso, husband and wife of the death of Covid at eighty years
From September 1 to yesterday, the dead in Sicily for Covid-19 were 75, just over 20 percent of the total of 362 who died since the beginning of the emergency. The increase was mainly in October. To make a comparison, in March the victims on the island were 81, in April the figure reached 154. “Assuming that each death is painful, we can say that we are not talking about high numbers yet. But, certainly – Cascio continues – the curve of deaths and those hospitalized in intensive care is growing worryingly, although much more slowly than in March” .
The most dramatic day of the last period was the 16 when the bulletin registered 10 victims on the island. In Sambuca di Sicilia, a town declared a red zone by the president of the Nello Musumeci region, the numbers take shape. Here the outbreak broke out in a retirement home, in which some forty people, including guests and operators, are infected. Three older people didn’t make it. As well as a couple of elderly people from Mezzojuso, another common red zone, who passed away last week. For about ten days, the chronicles report, they had a fever and cough. The serious health conditions of both did not help, after a few days they died, a few hours later, first the wife and then the husband. Covid was understood to have hit both of them, only when resuscitator 118 performed the swabs – positive.