The meeting between the regional government and local authorities on measures to contain the Covid epidemic is underway: the minister of regional affairs, Francesco Boccia, has in fact called a summit with the regions, Anci and Upi this morning. The meeting is also attended by the Minister of the University, Gaetano Manfredi and the Commissioner of Emergencies, Domenico Arcuri, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the Minister of the School, Lucia Azzolina, the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, and the head of civil protection, Angelo Borrelli.
The meeting is attended by the president of the Conference of the Regions Stefano Bonaccini, Upi Michele De Pascale, Anci Antonio De Caro. There are also the vice president of the Conference of the Regions, Giovanni Toti, and the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana. Also present, always remotely, are numerous councilors. The ministers present are Boccia, Azzolina, Manfredi, De Micheli and Speranza.
“No decision has yet been made on the closure of gyms and swimming pools”. Sources from the Ministry of Sports intervene, highlighting to ANSA, “how the sector has faced enormous expenses to adapt its spaces to security protocols, and that no scientific evidence reports outbreaks in relation to individual training in controlled areas.”
The night summit does not untie knots, it comes from bars to gyms
Staggered school hours; closed gyms; stop in bars and pubs from 9pm, in restaurants from 11pm or midnight. A three-hour confrontation between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with the majority heads of delegation and Ministers Roberto Gualtieri and Francesco Boccia is not enough to define the anti-contagion measures of Covid that the new dpcm will enter. Another confrontation with the Regions and Municipalities and a final discussion in the government will be necessary before Conte, probably today, announces the new grip on the country.
At the end of a discussion that majority sources define as “very tense”, there is still no synthesis on several aspects, for which the discussion with local authorities will be decisive: from the stop at fairs and congresses, to the hypothesis of prohibition of consumption of alcohol. standing outside the enclosure from 6 in the afternoon. The new squeeze should focus, as the CTS also suggests, on smart work and staggering the high school schedule, with the hypothesis of entry at 11 and a distance learning fee to lighten transportation (but not excluding a reduction in the maximum capacity of buses).
There should also be a stop for amateur contact sports and, but still not certain, the closure of gyms and swimming pools. It also focuses on a push to track infections, urged by experts. Continue dividing the package of measures against nightlife and a possible form of “curfew”.
At the end of the evening summit at Palazzo Chigi, the falling point seems to be the closing of bars and pubs at 9 pm, restaurants at midnight, so as not to weigh on a sector that is already suffering a lot. But the government asks for caution in indiscretions: There are those who continue to press for even tougher measures, especially during the weekend. And those who, as Italy lives, are against the new closures and keep their guard up: despite the denial of various government sources, the Renzians do not exclude that the hypothesis – which they opposed – of a stop in hairdressers and beauty centers.