“There is no decision on swimming pools and gyms, there is no evidence of outbreaks”


Dpcm, the Government-Regions meeting begins: from sport to schedules, the news arrives today

The meeting between the regional government and local authorities on measures to contain the epidemic has begun COVID-19: The Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, has called this morning a summit with the Regions, Anci and Upi. The meeting is also attended by the minister of the university, Gaetano Manfredi and the emergency commissioner, Domenico Arcuri, the minister of health, Roberto Speranza, the minister of the school, Lucia azzolina, the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, and the head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli.

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The meeting is attended by the president of the Conference of the Regions Stefano Bonaccini, Upi Michele De Pascale, Anci Antonio De Caro. There are also the vice president of the Conference of the Regions, Giovanni Toti, and the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana. Also present, always remotely, are numerous councilors. The ministers present are Boccia, Azzolina, Manfredi, De Micheli and Speranza. Since school to transport, from work to sports, to study all the new restrictions and mini emergency shutdown to contain the growth of infections. The prime minister will speak in the afternoon. Giuseppe Conte, ready to illustrate the news.


“No decision has yet been made on the closure of gyms and swimming pools.” Before the new Dpcm on anti-Covid measures, sources from the Ministry of Sports intervene, underlining, “how the sector has faced enormous expenses to adapt its spaces to the security protocols, and that no scientific evidence reports outbreaks in relation to individual training in controlled places ». “It is necessary to evaluate – continue the sources of the sports ministry – if it is worse to push thousands of fans and young people to the city parks or to continue, perhaps with greater controls, with regulated activities. On the contrary, a sector that has already suffered huge losses would run the risk of definitive closures.

Last update: 11:40 am

