layoffs, tax bills, health funds. The text point by point – Libero Quotidiano


Government green light at night between Saturday and Sunday at Budget planning document and budget law outline with the formula ‘sure understood’. This is what we read in the press release issued by Palazzo Chigi at the end of the Council of Ministers called to launch the maneuver. The bill “provides for an important fiscal expansion and contains important provisions that represent the continuation of the measures undertaken so far to protect the health of citizens and guarantee the security and economic stability of the country. At the same time – the note continues -” deploy the necessary resources to guarantee the reactivation of the economic system, through interventions in tax matters, investments, employment, schools, universities and culture ”. Here are all the main measurements, point by point.

Health – There are 4 billion allocated by the maneuver for health. According to the Palazzo Chigi press release, “the various measures refer in particular to the support of medical and nursing staff,” including “the confirmation by 2021 of 30 thousand doctors and nurses hired on a temporary basis for the emergency period. “. and the support of contractual allocations for these categories. “The budget law also provides for” the introduction of a fund for the purchase of vaccines and for other needs related to the Covid-19 emergency. “The endowment of the National Health Fund is also increases by one billion euros.

Single verification – The budget law approved by the Council of Ministers introduces the novelty of the family allowance for children “as of July 2021” with “an important reform for families, with the introduction of the single allowance that also extends to the self-employed and the incompetent, “according to the Palazzo Chigi press release. In addition, the duration of paternity leave is extended.

Tax wedge – The maneuver approved by the CDM brings to “full regime the cutting of the gap for incomes above 28 thousand euros”, thanks to an increase of approximately 1,800 million additional euros, for a total annual allocation of 7,000 million. In addition, 8,000 million euros per year are allocated in full operation to the tax reform, which – reads the note from Palazzo Chigi – “includes the single check, to which will be added the resources derived from the higher tax collection that will go to the fund specific fiscal loyalty “.

Contribution to employment – The budget law approved by the CDM establishes that “contributions for the hiring of persons under 35 years of age will be paid by companies that operate throughout the national territory for three years”, as indicated in the note from Palazzo Chigi.

Southern and Tax Credit – The 2021 budget law intervenes in the relaunch of the South with an endowment of 13,400 million in the triennium 2021-2023 “to put into effect the tax system of the South”, according to the note from Palazzo Chigi. The tax credit for investments in the Southern Regions is also extended to 2021.

Business support – Among the measures to support the companies most affected by the Covid crisis, the maneuver introduces a fund of 4,000 million euros. The mortgage moratorium is extended and the possibility of accessing the public guarantees provided by the SME Guarantee Fund and by Sace. The budget law also provides “additional support for business internationalization activities, with an endowment of 1,500 million euros,” according to the note from Palazzo Chigi. Measures to support the recapitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises are expanded.

Cig enlargement – Support for the economy hit by the coronavirus crisis also with the extension “for more weeks” of the Cig Covid, provided for by the maneuver approved by the CDM, “with the same mechanism that provides for the free fund for those who have registered losses above of a certain threshold “, as indicated in the note from Palazzo Chigi. The Ape Social and Woman Option measures are also expanded.

Stop tax bills – The maneuver approved by the CDM extends “at the proposal of President Giuseppe Conte and Minister of Economy and Finance Roberto Gualtieri”, the collection of fiscal invoices. In detail, as indicated in the note from Palazzo Chigi, “the suspension of the notification activities of new payment orders, the payment of previously sent invoices and the other acts of the Payment Agent is extended until December 31, 2020. Collections. The time – the note continues – is also extended to December 31, the period during which the installment payment expires with the non-payment of 10 installments instead of 5 ”. To allow a progressive disposition of the payment invoices that have already been accumulated, to which will be added those that will be delivered within the established deadlines, the deadline for sending the invoices to be notified is also advanced by 12 months.
