Covid, the eighth-grade student who discovered a possible cure for the virus at 14


A 14-year-old teenager Anika chebrolu, who studies at Independence High School in Frisco, in Texas, developed a possible treatment for Covid-19. The young woman won a contest, the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, for a paper on identifying a drug to be treated. coronavirus.

That work earned him a prize of $ 25,000, just over 21,000 euros. The young woman developed, while she was in eighth grade, a molecule that binds to a protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and, ultimately, prevents the virus from working, reports

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Anika was able to find it with a database of more than 682 million compounds and, using a computer program, discovered how and where the molecule would bind to the virus. The young woman was working on her scientific project to find remedies for the seasonal flu, but when the pandemic broke out, she spearheaded her research on the coronavirus.

For Anika, the main inspiration was her grandfather, a chemistry teacher, who instilled in her a love of science.

Last Updated: Sunday, October 18, 2020, 10:16 AM

