Restaurants closed at 23:00 or midnight – It seems that a new national restriction for restaurants is looming. The government aims to set the closing time at 24, in order to guarantee the “first shift” of dinner. Some governors would like a greater hardening but the political duty that would derive from this election, unpopular and with a significant economic cost, would remain in the hands of the central government. Therefore, the mediation could close at 11 pm but leaving the Regions the possibility, in the event of a high number of infections, to be more strict. Also in restaurants there is also the CTS who would also like to limit the tables: no more than six people, exactly as in private homes. The CTS also invites the administrations to carry out increasingly strict controls on the observance of the protocols (masks and spacing), intervening in case of negligence with the immediate closure of the premises.
School, plus distance learning and admission at 11 am – Minister Azzolina repeated it ad nauseam: not at the closure of schools. And even the imposition of distance education is seen as an unacceptable proposition. This is despite the fact that the CTS also says that, with children around to go to school, the risk of the virus circulating is high. Mediation could be the 11am entrance for high school students. An option that could also alleviate the pressure on public transport, which in the morning is attacked by travelers and students.
Contact sports prohibited – Not only the contact sport at the amateur level (football, basketball, etc.), it will also be necessary to stop the associations and amateur clubs. This is because after the last dpcm many clubs have tried to join the Coni as amateur organizations to evade the regulations.
Hairdressers and beauticians yes, gyms “nor” – Hairdressers and estheticians should have no more limitations. Obviously, always respecting the control regulations. The situation is different for gyms. A final decision has not yet been made but the CTS always asks in return for strict adherence to the guidelines it has adopted to allow activities to be carried out safely.
Improved smart work – Limit office contacts by also reducing the number of travelers: that’s why there will be an invitation to further improve smart work. Decision that will also involve public employees where the goal is for 75% of the workforce to stay at home.
Interventions on postponed public transport – Before establishing public transport capacity or a very expensive temporary upgrade, the government wants to assess the impact of the new measures (school and smart work). By reducing the number of travelers, the situation should improve.
Curfew for everyone? – Limit the movement of people at night. A kind of minilockdown currently excluded. Already interventions in restaurants and sale of alcohol at night could be enough. But everything will be evaluated in the coming weeks. And if the contagion numbers continue to worsen, the proposal will certainly be discussed again.