The 40 billionth maneuver arrives: the measures from the single check to the vaccine fund to the mortgage moratorium


Tax wedge: the refinanced cut

An additional € 1.8 billion comes in, for a total annual allocation of € 7 billion, to bring the wedge cut for revenues above € 28,000 to full capacity. It is about 100 euros in payroll, which as of January, with an additional outlay for the State of about 1,800 million, will also become structural for income of 28,000 to 40,000 euros.

Tax reform: 8,000 million euros for a single check and tax loyalty

Eight billion euros a year for tax reform. They range from the one-time check to fiscal loyalty: the resources derived from higher fiscal income will flow into an ad hoc fund “for fiscal loyalty.”

Young people: contributions for hiring under 35s are eliminated

The youth card is played in the maneuver, to help them enter the world of work. Three years the contributions for the hiring of persons under 35 years of age paid by companies that operate throughout the national territory.

Financial support: extension of the mortgage moratorium and support to SMEs

A € 4 billion fund has been created to support the sectors most affected during the Covid-19 emergency. The mortgage moratorium has been extended and the possibility of accessing the public guarantees provided by the SME Guarantee Fund and Sace. Additional support for business internationalization activities, with a budget of 1,500 million euros. Measures to support the recapitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises have been expanded.

Job: Covid layoffs refinanced

More weeks of Covid Cig have been financed, with the same mechanism that free banking provides for those who have registered losses above a certain threshold. The Ape Social and Women’s Option measures are expanded, with 600 million euros per year to support employment in the film and culture sectors.
