ROME We are not in March, we must adopt proportionate and thoughtful elections, the concept that Giuseppe Conte has declined with all possible accents, in daytime meetings and in evening summits. An exhausting and not yet completed mediation, destined to end on the same day with the signing of a new dpcm on the Covid emergency, just five days after the tenth and last. And, given the emergency, without going through Parliament first.
The prime minister did not consider it so urgent to promulgate new rules, he would have preferred to wait and monitor the epidemiological curve. Also because, as he explained to the ministers, people are tired and exasperated and there is a risk of social unrest. But the Democratic Party has opted for an interventionist line, the head of the delegation Dario Franceschini has begun to press and the rest has been done by Roberto Speranza, who looks at the 33 thousand cases in France and presses to stop the engines of the country: we must accelerate not to arrive. to those dramatic numbers.
And so today, after two days of even bitter confrontation, Conte will explain to the Italians the new grip that is coming. But the curfew as in Paris no, he does not want to impose it. And in the two meetings on Friday night and last night with the heads of delegation, in line with the 5 Stars Alfonso Bonafede and Riccardo Fraccaro, he insisted on softening the measure that the Democratic Party had supported, alarmed by the figures.
Hospitalizations increase – the line of Franceschini and Boccia, in harmony with the rigor of Speranza-. We must act immediately if we want to avoid a new general blockade.. The strategy of the penalty shooters is to avoid gatherings, close places that attract night owls without a mask, increase controls and penalties, suspend team sports and even gyms. Count to hold back on the long list of lockouts, starting with the 9 p.m. curfew The idea of shutting down Italians at nine at night and letting only self-certified people out, not at this stage on the ropes of Conte: no more time of confinement, either total or partial. Given the distance between two schools of thought, the topic of restaurants remained open late into the night. Also because the Regions led by Stefano Bonaccini have defended the establishments that ensure places in compliance with the protocols. The dilemma at what time to lower the blinds: at 10pm or 11pm?
All agree on the closure of bars and pubs, while in the destination of restaurants the debate has been closed. The dem do not give up, so much so that in the M5S there is a totally political suspicion: could it be that Zingaretti and Renzi are moving to the side, to weaken the prime minister?
The front of the government of the Regions was no less hot. Lucía Azzolina accuses the governors of wanting to leave high school students at home to cover the deficiencies in transportation and tampons, but Stefano Bonaccini rejects the criticism and asks to stagger the hours to defend the school. Even today they will be sparks. The Regions wanted to meet the Minister of Education and Azzolina set her conditions: I only come if they also call Speranza and De Micheli.
October 18, 2020 (change October 18, 2020 | 07:13)