The government is working on a new dpcm after the boom in coronavirus cases. And there is talk of a new form of confinement
After theItaly has happened for the first time since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic At the threshold of 10,000 new cases of coronavirus per day, the government is evaluating a new Dpcm with even more stringent measures than those adopted so far. Palazzo Chigi has announced that the layout will be launched tomorrow, Sunday, October 18: it will be illustrated by Giuseppe Conte himself at a press conference.
Coronavirus: what changes with the arrival of the new dpcm
These are the new measures planned by the government according to ‘La Repubblica’: i restaurants he other premises they must close at 10 pm; banned the soccer schools and those that revolve around other contact sports; on the balance sheet amateur sports; required smart work, but the percentage is yet to be defined; possible screw rotation also for gyms.
As for restaurants and other nightclubs, specifically, the P.S I would ask to lower the blinds of the entire premises at 22, accompanying the election with aid to the sector. Contehowever, he would have doubts. Franceschini, for its part, would have asked that the 10 p.m. limit be accompanied by a kind of “curfew” (prohibition of leaving the house after 10 p.m. or 11 p.m., except that is for work reasons).
In terms of school, we are moving towards strengthening distance education for secondary schools (at least for the last three classes). In some cases, the morning and afternoon lessons will alternate. For primary school, on the other hand, a staggering of entry times between 8 and 11 is being studied (but it could be more extensive).
In the transport sector, the government’s objective is to encourage the use of private transport, which will be combined with public transport to avoid crowds.
You must enter the extension of the cash receipt integration or the new rules for smart work in public administration.
Not expected to close Barber Shop me centers aesthetic.
It is not excluded that they can close cinemas and theaters, even if some ministers oppose this measure. Instead, the government is compact on the idea of not touching shops and factories.
Coronavirus in Italy: a new blocking mode appears
As if all this were not enough, we read in ‘La Repubblica’, a new intervention is already on the table (which, however, is not the subject of the next dpcm): a total lockout during the weekend.
The alternative, also evaluated at the top of the government, is the prohibition of circulation for non-essential activities (therefore, with the exception of work or school), 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 10-17-2020 18:30
Photo Source: Ansa